Chapter 11

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Neymar's POV

"Nadia?" I questioned as the Argentinean beauty strutted through my doorway.

"Hey Ney" she whispered seductively as she turned to face me giving me a sexy wink before walking towards the living room swaying her mouthwatering hips.

She was wearing a extremely tight red dress, it hugged her luscious body in all of the perfect ways. Her thick brown hair was perfectly curled, and draped down her back. She wore sexy black heels that were strapped to her long tan legs. She was a pure beauty, a complete goddess.

"Umm hey" I studdered as I closed the front door and hurriedly followed her to the living room.

I entered the living room and watched as she examined some pictures I had that laid out on the shelves.

I sat on the love seat as I watched her pick up a picture of Davi and I. We were both wearing my jersey and smiling .

She smiled genuinely at the picture and placed the frame back on the shelf.

She turned to face me and strutted towards me.

"Umm what's up?" I asked in shock as she brought herself down to sit on my lap.

"I just wanted to come get something" She whispered as she traced my Tudo
Passa tattoo with her soft delicate fingers.

" what?" I moaned as she placed a kiss on my todo passa tattoo.

I wrapped my hands firmly around her waist as I felt her begin to suck my sweet spot.

"Nadiaaa" I whispered.

She hummed in response as she sucked harder causing me to moan.

"What do you want?" I moaned.

"You" she whispered as she pulled away.

"Wh-what?" I whispered shocked.

"I made a mistake Ney, I don't want Marc....I want you" she smiled as she grinded her crotch into me.

"No-no your not being serious" I stuttered.

"Baby I want you... I need you" she whispered seductively.

"This isn't a fucking game Nadia" I hissed as I pushed her off my lap.

My body was burning with desire, but this couldn't be real. She didn't want me, I have nothing to offer her.

"I'm not playing with you Neymar! I want you baby!" She yelled "make me yours" she whispered as her lips brushed my ear.

She pulled away slowly and started backing up towards the stairs.

She turned and made her way up the stairs with me following after her. I was like a lost puppy when it came to her. When she's near all of my confidence and dignity goes out the window.

I entered my massive room and see her standing at the foot of my bed.

She coaxed me with her finger, my body reacted before my mind did. In the blink of an eye I was directly in front of her.

"Make me yours Neymar" she whispered as she stroked the bulge in my pants.

A bust of confidence slammed into me and I quickly pulled her body towards mine, letting my lips mold with hers. I kissed her aggressively and held her body to mine.

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