Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Nadia's POV

Beep, Beep, Beep...

I slowly start to feel myself gaining consciousness, I slowly try to open my eyes but as I begin to see bright burning light come into my squinty eyes I shut them tight.

I focus on my hearing sense as all I really hear is an annoying beeping and a soft and familiar snore.

I start to slowly stir again and open my eyes. Finally, after about 15 minutes of adjusting to the light I can somewhat make out my surroundings, I was in a hospital room.

The room is a light shade of blue almost gray and there's machines everywhere. I smile when to the left of my bed I see my handsome boyfriend.

His hair is all mangled and there's dark circles under his eyes. He's wearing his dark gray sweat pants and a pull over sweatshirt. My poor baby looks so tired.

I didn't want to wake him yet to being extremely thirsty I slowly push the button to raise the head of the bed and sit up slowly.

On the small table next to my bed is a jug of water and some small plastic cups.

I move my numb arm and reach for the cups only to accidently knock them down along with the phone, which bangs hard into the floor. Marc jumps up in his chair and with wide, startled eyes he gazes around the room until his eyes land on me.

I pull my hand away from the table and place it on my lap, looking up at him sheepishly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up I was jus-," I didn't get to finish my sentence when he bolts up off the chair and crushes me in a hug.

"Ay dios mio! Baby you're okay! I was so worried when you passed out! Thank goodness Mi Amor!" He rambled as he tightened his grip around me.

I clung to his chest like a baby koala, in his big strong arms I felt completely safe from everything... Even Neymar...

Just by thinking of his name I felt warm tears start falling down my face.

"Ma-arc I'm so-o sorry!" I sobbed, "I don't deserve you! I cheated on you! This is all my fault."

"Hey now, don't cry baby." He whispered slightly pulling away to cup my cheeks, "Look I know you love me and you didn't cheat on me! I know Neymar and I know how he can be. I knew from the start that I couldn't trust him. You're a beautiful temptation mi niña and every guy in the world wants you." He smiled climbing into the bed with me and laying me snuggly on his brood chest.

"I knew from the beginning that I was going to have to fight hard to keep you. And I knew that there were guys that were going to lure you away from me. I don't care about any of that because you did what I knew you would. You ran away from him before you could ever cheat on me baby. And I love you for that, no matter what he tried to do. The important thing is that your safe and we're together mi Reyna." He grinned lifting my hand and bringing it to his lips.

"I love you Marc." I sighed.

"I love you much more," he whispered running his fingers through my hair.

"Marc?" I whispered.

"Hmm?" he smiled down at me.

"What's going to happen now?" I asked looking up at his confused face.

"What do you mean princesa?" he asked looking lost.

"With um... Neymar," I whispered as I saw he clench his jaw when I said his name.

"You let me worry about that princess." he stated scarily calm.

I'm super sorry that it's so short but I decided to make them shorter so I can update more frequently. I know I've been horrible about updating but I recently lost someone in my family. It was hard for me to get over but I'm finally doing better and motivated to finish this story. Thank you to everyone for the beautiful messages I appreciated every single word! Thank you!

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