Chapter 25

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Neymar's POV-Present

I'd fucked up in the past, but now after almost 8 months being together everything was perfect.
I've made it my life's mission to love this girl right.
Love, her the way that she deserves to be loved.
Love her with everything I've got.

I'm broken from my inner monologue when she shifts, her thigh pressing into to my bulge causing me to groan.

Looking down I see her still sleeping soundly. I notice the shirt she's wearing just barely rides up her thigh and I'm able to catch a glimpse of Light blue lace.

I feel myself hardening as I notice her hard nipples poke out of the thin shirt flaunting that she isn't wearing a bra.

Removing her arm off of my chest, I begin to slowly pull myself away from her. She whines softly before turning over away from me. I place my hand flat on her stomach before she can fully turn over, leaving her flat on her back. She is still sound asleep her cheek now resting against the pillow.

I pull the duvet all the way down past her legs exposing her to me and the slight chilly breeze in the room.

Within seconds I'm at the foot of the bed crawling up her beautiful body. My lips meet her sleepy ones as I press them together in a light kiss.

Resting my knees inbetween her legs, I slide the shirt she's wearing upwards, bunching it around her waist. My mouth begins to water at the sight of her beautiful mound encased in a tiny Tiffany blue lace thong.

I crane my self down and place kisses all over her toned stomach before they begin to slip lower.

Her scent fills my nose and I kiss her covered core. She's still sleeping as my tongue reaches out to lick up and down her covered slit. Needing more I gently I slip one of my fingers into the sides of her tiny panties and push them to the side before immediately diving into her sweetness. I moaned at the sweet taste of her and started slowing running my tongue back and forth along her slit, giving her clit a soft lick every time I passed it. Pulling away I hook both hands around the thin band of her thong and rip it off her body. Finally exposing her to me I press kisses on either side of her mound. I feel her begin to whimper and squirm away from me, so I wrapped both arms firmly around her silky thighs to keep her in place. I couldn't hold myself back anymore and dive back in feasting on her like a wild animal.

"Uh" was the first thing that left her lushes lips as she began to moan. Hearing her moans grow as she began to wake I pushed my tongue deeper into her causing her to gasp awake. "Ah Baby," she squealed trying to squirm away only to have me pull her back down into my mouth.

Her loud moans quickly filled the room as I devoured her. I glance up at her and watch her arch her back off the bed and remove the over sized shirt giving me a wonderful view of her perky round breasts.

One of my arms glides up her body and captures one of her beautiful breasts. I pinch her nipple the tug it softly causing her to moan out loud. Her hand falls over mine as she assists me with  squeezing her breast. Shes looks down at me with her beautiful, dark, lust filled eyes and pants out breathlessly as I continue my assault on her sweet, smooth mound. Locking eyes with her I close my mouth over her mound and suck hard, making her cry out as I bring her to her first orgasm. I don't let up as I continue to suck and lick her dry, still very sensitive from her previous hard orgasm she whimpers and tries to push my face away from her with no avail. I pull her closer to my mouth enjoying the sounds of her cries and moans.

I finally pull away from her after her 2nd orgasm with my mouth and rest on my knees as I take in the beautiful view beneath me. Shes panting and breathless as she gazes up at me with a small smile and flustered cheeks. Biting her lip she sits up and wiggles from under me never breaking eye contact. She rises to her knees and pushes me lightly to get off the bed. I drop my feet to rest on the ground so I'm standing at the foot of the bed, she slides off the bed too and stands in front of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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