Chapter 1

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Being a twin is like having a lifelong best friend. You're never truly alone because someone is always by your side, like the two halves of Yin and Yang completing each other.

But the twin experience isn't all rainbows and sunshine; it comes with its own unique set of pros and cons. On the plus side, you always have a friend you can count on. On the downside, that same friend can sometimes be a relentless annoyance.

Faith and I bear a striking resemblance, which makes for endless opportunities to playfully confuse others. Yet, this similarity can also be a double-edged sword, as people are constantly comparing us, sometimes damaging our self-esteem. It's hard to understand the need to compare two people who, on the surface, look damn near identical.

Furthermore, as twins, we learn to share everything, but that doesn't mean we always enjoy it. To begin with, I didn't even have my own space in the womb. I love my sister dearly, but our similarities end at our appearance. And even that distinction can be easily made if you know where to look.

We have a couple sets of twins in the Reed family, but Faith and I are the only ones still with the Reed last name. In this family twins run as deep as being born intersex.

"Aaaa yes, right there." Her steaming hot breath trickled down the side of my neck. Her nails dig deeper into my skin as I pound into her. "Faster... right there, right there." I sigh, wishing she would just shut the hell up. I cover her mouth and slam faster into her, gripping her hips as I push one last hard thrust, sending us both into climax. I pull out of her and rip the condom off, throwing it into the trash can next to my desk. I can't be too careful. I don't want to get trapped by a baby like my sister. I love my nephew but am definitely not ready to be a parent.

She straightens her red cocktail dress and smoothes her hair. "Well, that was fun," she says with a grin.

"It was alright," I reply nonchalantly, tidying my work papers and setting them back on my desk. I take pride in keeping my space neat and can't believe she messed it up. I roll my eyes at the disarray.

"Maybe we can do this again sometime?" she suggests, wiping her lips and smirking.

"Don't count on it," I respond, watching her smile falter. I escort her out of my office and back to the front of the club before closing the door and sighing.

Faith and I have owned a club named "Serenity" for a year now, building it from the ground up. It's the hottest spot to be at, attracting a big crowd on the weekends.

I return to my desk and begin to clean up when there's a knock at the door. "Come in," I call out, seeing my sister on the monitor in front of me.

"Hope, I can't. You locked the door," she yells back through the camera.

"Right." I recall some of the more persistent women I've encountered, deciding it's best to keep the door locked. I get up to let her in, rolling my eyes. "What do you want?"

"Uh, rude," she retorts, playfully slapping the back of my head. I rub the sting away and sit back down. "Done with your latest conquest?"

"Yup," I answer bluntly. She shakes her head, glancing at her phone as it vibrates. I watch her smile at the text but remain silent, continuing to organize my papers.

"When are you going to stop sleeping around and settle down, Hope?" she asks absentmindedly while texting.

"When will you come clean about cheating on your husband, Faith? Because I know that wasn't him." She frowns, and I know I've struck a nerve. "I'm sorry," I say, not wanting to hurt her feelings. I may not care about the feelings of my casual flings, but my twin sister means the world to me. We were raised to be close and always support one another, even when we don't agree with each other's choices.

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