Chapter 2

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We make it back to my house, and as we walk in, I turn on the light. Teagan shuts and locks the door behind me and lays her school bag next to it.

"No homework?" She shakes her head no and flops down onto the couch. As she flips through the channels on the TV, I can tell something might be bothering her. Wanting to create a relaxed atmosphere, I go to the kitchen and grab myself a glass of wine and her a bottle of water.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, and when I take it out, I notice it's a text from my husband, George. He's on a business trip right now. Or at least that's where he says he is. I don't keep tabs on him, nor do I care.

Work trip extended; will be here for another week.

Cool, enjoy.

I roll my eyes and shrug. I'm glad he's not coming home yet. His company isn't the one I want or need. I look at my home screen saver and smile at the picture of me and the one I'm actually in love with. I slide the phone on the counter, grab our drinks, and make my way back to the living room where Teagan is. As I sit on the couch next to her, I hand over the bottle of water. She looks at me, furrowing her red eyebrows, and grabs the glass of liquor instead.

I smirk and watch her down almost the entire glass of liquor. "Teagan, what's wrong?" I ask, laughing and taking the glass before she sips the last of my drink, which I have been longing to have since I left work. You'd think that working and running a club with a bar full of liquor would tire you out of drinking. Surprisingly, Hope and I don't drink at work until we're off the clock and hanging out with friends and family. I also don't get romantically involved where I work, but it hasn't stopped my sister from doing so.

"Nothing," she says, avoiding the question and turning back to the TV.

I grab her legs and turn her on the couch to face me before gently placing her curly hair behind her ear.

"Talk to me," I whisper, trying to get her to open up to me.

She sighs exaggeratedly, tossing her head back and running her fingers through her hair. "There is just too much going on. Why do I feel like I don't belong there? Like I've been with my family since I was one year old and never felt like that until now."

"Do they make you feel like that?"

"No. They are amazing. They have always been amazing, Faith. You know that. I love all my brothers and sisters. Mom and Mama have never treated me any differently than the rest."

"Okay... so why do you feel like that then?" I ask, confused.

She grabs the pillow behind her and groans into it, "I don't knowwww. I just do. I'm the last one to leave the nest. It feels different now that they're all gone, and it's just me. I just want to give Moms some time alone without me."

"Why? You're amazing to be around." I smirk, and she shakes her head before hiding behind the pillow.

"Thanks," she whispers shyly, turning red as a tomato, embarrassed. "Do you work tonight?"

"No. Hope can take care of the club tonight. I'd rather hang with you."

She places the pillow behind her head and then falls back against it, sprawling out across the couch.

"Good! Can we just watch The Hunger Games all night and stuff our faces with junk food? You're the only one I'd rather be around right now."

I grin and nod my head. I stand up and reach my hand out for hers.

"Come help me pick the snacks?"

Her soft hand takes mine, and she follows me to the kitchen. She begins to go through the cabinets, pulling out tons of different snacks, while I jump onto the counter. "Ooo, don't forget the ice cream!" I say, pointing to the freezer.

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