Chapter 33

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"Stop laughing at me, Bambi," I say, shoving her off the bench at the park. She falls onto the ground, still laughing at me.

Last night, I had a little problem... again... let's just say I need to apologize to the toilet. I don't know if I should say sorry for the amount of toilet paper, I stuffed into it beforehand to prevent my dick from getting wet from splashback... or the sheer volume of double-duece that came out of me.

"Don't push my mom," Imani yells, pushing me off the bench, and Iris and I both burst out laughing on the ground together.

"Dang, goblin, you're mean."

"Yeah, well, I learned it from you, stinky butt," I smirk as she helps her mother up.

"Yeah, stinky butt. At least we were at your place this time. I'm tired of you stinking up my apartment." She stands up from the ground, and I do the same. We both dust the mulch off our pants.

"Yeah, well, if you'd stopped feeding me Taco Bell after we get drunk, this wouldn't happen."

Some nights, when I have time off work, I still end up at the club with Iris. Last night was one of those times. We danced and drank with my cousins, and because we were so drunk, Teagan had to drive us home.

She was sober, as she usually is when she comes to the club because she needs to go home to Faith, who can't drink. Faith's still a bit upset about all the drinking she did before realizing she was pregnant. We all love my twin sister, but as her pregnancy progresses, she's becoming increasingly cranky. I'm just glad I never have to go through that.

"Stop asking for Taco Bell, then." She says, sitting next to me on the bench and rubbing a little dirt from the mulch off my cheek. "Imani, baby, do you want to go play on the playground with the other kids while we wait for the egg hunt and Grayson?" The little gremlin nods and runs away to play.

Lately, I find myself admiring Iris's features more. She's so adorable, and she's only become more so since we've been together. Her big, Bambi-like eyes seem to grow brighter every day, and I feel like she's becoming happier since we've attended support meetings. I don't understand how she can keep a smile on her face with everything she's been through.

"Hope?" she taps my nose, and I blink my focus back.

"Yes, baby?"

"What are you thinking about?" I turn myself so each leg of mine is on either side of the bench. She's looking at me through her lashes and black hair, and I move a strand behind her ear to see her face better.

"Just wondering how you keep a smile on your face," She chuckles. "What's so funny?"

"You don't know?"

"No, I don't know, Bambi. What?"

"It's you, dufus. You and my daughter. That's what keeps me going. You two keep a smile on my face."

I look over to Imani running around the playground with other kids. I've learned to love the little rascal. She's still a handful, but nonetheless, she is adorable. And she tends to copy me a lot. I just hope she doesn't get my smart-ass mouth, but I think she had that before I met her, which is why I was drawn to her cheeky self. She's wise for a six-year-old.

"Look," Iris points to my sister's car. Teagan helps her and then helps Grayson out. Imani sees him and yells his name. He lights up and runs over to her as they walk hand-in-hand back to the playground. I look at my watch, noting the time. I give it about 30 more minutes before the egg hunt starts.

My sister and her girlfriend walk over to us and sit in front. "Good morning, lazies... or should I say afternoon," I say, and Faith rolls her eyes.

"Stop being mean, babe. She is carrying a baby. She deserves sleep," Iris says as her hand rubs my leg. Her finger accidentally graces the zipper of my pants, and I glance down at it and quickly take her palm in mine.

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