Epilogue (Part 1)

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"Na na na boo boo, you can't catch me."

I glance through the mirror, observing all the kids running around the office room. They are dressed in coordinated suits and dresses, their colors matching each other.

A smile spreads across my face as I watch my little one wobble around, giggling while trying to catch his sister and cousins.

Two years ago, Iris and I had Harper. He wasn't an accident or a mere slip of a condom. We actually sat down, decided we were ready to give Imani a sibling and got busy in bed to make him happen. Now, we have an 11-year-old and a 2-year-old.

Also two years ago, Imani asked me if I could adopt her. I had considered it quite a bit before then, but ultimately it wasn't my decision to make, it was hers.

Regardless of the adoption, she was always my daughter. I eventually did adopt the little crotch goblin, and it was a moment I'll cherish forever.

After years of Mani begging for a sibling, we finally gave in—as we always do for her. She is a good big sister, and she adores her baby brother. She still has a smart mouth and occasionally curses on "accident," though we know it's on purpose.

Iris might have gave birth to Harper, but Imani treats him like her very own personal child.

"Come here, Harp," She calls out, now chasing after him to take a bottle of juice away.

Struggling with her 82-pound frame against his 32 pounds, she finally picks him up. He's not a skinny kid; he's a big boy with a big belly and a huge appetite for food.

Dangling in her arms, she totters over to me with him. "Mani, sweetie, you're going to ruin his suit."

"I know, Mama, but he almost spilled the juice on himself." She plops him down on my lap. "Here. You take him. Keep track of your son, will you?"

My brows furrow as I watch her admire herself in the mirror, fixing her hair and lip gloss. I roll my eyes and push her out of the way. "How about you, Gremlin, go to your mother next door as I asked you ten minutes ago."

"Yeah, but who's going to watch all these kids?" She flips her hair, resembling her mother so much.

"Uh, not you. You're 11; you're no one's parent."

"Yes, but..."

"Mani," I say sternly, looking at her through the mirror. This is what I mean about her smart mouth.

She always has an attitude. And partially, that's mine and her mother's fault for spoiling her rotten. She gets anything she ever wants. But now that she's a preteen, she's starting to push her boundaries. Something that needs to be dialed back before it gets worse.

She sighs. "Yes. Okay. Sorry, Mama. I'll go." She leans in for me to kiss her cheek, and I do.

"Gabby, go with Imani, please, to get ready for the ceremony."

"Yes, Aunty Hope," Gabriella says, following behind my daughter. They head to the bathroom connected to the office, which has another bathroom attached to it on the other side.

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