Chapter 10

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As we pull up to the apartment, I finally break the silence. "Thank you," I murmur softly, my eyes meeting hers for the first time since we left the hospital. Just like the last time, she turns off the truck and unbuckles her seatbelt to follow us up to the front door. I don't protest; instead, I just open the door and watch as Imani dashes in, her laughter echoing through the cozy apartment.

"Mani, go shower and get ready for dinner." I catch a glimpse of Hope lingering in the doorway. "You can come in, you know. You don't have to just stand there awkwardly."

The air is warm and inviting as Hope enters, her shoes clicking softly on the wooden floor. She closes and locks the door behind her before following me into the kitchen. The kitchen is modest but well-kept, with wooden cabinets and a small window above the sink that lets in the fading sunlight.

My rage seethes inside of me, and I find myself clattering plates and pots in frustration. I don't understand why she would do that. "Bambi, why are you upset?" Why does she have to call me that? It's like a term of endearment, yet she shows no affection besides buying us stuff.

"Hope, stop calling me that! And because I know it was you!"

"What was me?"

"Stop playing dumb! You covered the medical expenses. I told you to stop. We aren't some charity cases! Okay?" I yell at her, slamming a plate into the sink. It chips on the corner, and I slouch over, breathing deeply.

I see her jump, and I know I have startled her, but after a couple of seconds, she rises and starts walking behind me. I feel her warmth pressed against my back, her proximity catching me off guard. She's never been this close or shown any sort of feelings. I hear her sigh, and her hands gently roam my arms and shoulders.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset. I just thought it would make it easier on you." Her breath fans my neck, and I relax under her touch.

"Yeah, well, Hope, you should have asked first." When I turn around, I don't notice how close we actually are until I look up into her eyes. There's something behind them, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

"I know, and I'm sorry," she whispers. I can't stay mad at her for helping my daughter, but I can be mad at her for being an ass all the time. A swirling mixture of emotions clouds her gaze, and I realize that she is just as vulnerable as I am.

"Are you trying to buy sex from me or something?" I whisper, the fear evident in my voice.

"God no, Iris." This is the first time she hasn't called me Bambi. "I'm not trying to buy sex. Look, I don't know why I did it or feel the need to help you and your daughter. But I can tell you, you are not a charity case." She sighs and moves away, turning her back to me. "I've never done this before," she murmurs.

"Done what?" I ask, confused.

She turns back around, her eyes softening. "Liked someone, Iris. I've never genuinely liked someone..."

I start smiling, my heart pounding in my chest. "You like me?" I ask, scrunching up my nose in disbelief. This person, whom everyone at the club talks about as a player... likes me.

"No, don't do that, Bambi." She walks toward me, her steps measured and slow.

"Do what?"

"Make that face. I know what you're thinking." She traps me in front of the sink again, and my breathing hitches when I smell her minty breath close to my lips.

"No, you don't," I say, looking from her eyes to her lips.

"Uh huh. You think I'm some player, right?" I can't help but laugh.

"Hope, you are. I've been to your club once, and everyone acted like they had a piece of you. You also reek of sex." I roll my eyes, realizing how true it is, and try to move away from her. But she stops me, gently grabbing my neck to bring me back in place in front of her. I don't know if I should be scared or honored. I'm the first person she's taken a liking to.

She smiles, and it's enough to weaken my knees. I barely see it when I'm around her. She's so beautiful. I wish she'd show it more often.

"So..." she says, looking from my eyes to my lips.

"So, you aren't going to change?" I ask, my doubt evident in my voice.

"And if I do?" she challenges, her gaze never breaking from mine. "So...?" she asks again, her eyes turning darker by the minute.

I hesitate for a moment before whispering, "So, why me?"

She just shrugs. "Why not?" she murmurs against my lips, and without warning, I press mine to hers. It starts out slow and soft, and I feel her tongue graze my bottom lip.

I let her in and taste the mintiness I smelled earlier. Our tongues dance together, and I can feel her hands on my hips, grasping them tightly. As a sigh escapes my mouth, she pulls me deeper into her, and I feel her desire grow. She smiles against my lips and draws away softly.

As I hear Imani calling me from the other room, I struggle to catch my breath. "Yes, baby?" I say, still not moving from between the sink and Hope's body.

"Can you help me wash my hair?" she asks, and I start laughing.

"Yes, Mani, give me a minute," I call back.

Hope smiles and leans her forehead against mine. "I'm going to head home now. I'll see you in the morning." I nod my head and bite my lip as I watch her walk to the front door.

"Goodnight, Bambi."

"Goodnight, Hope." She shuts the door, and my fingers instantly go to my lips, remembering the kiss we just shared. I haven't felt like this since Julian. I'm going to be optimistic about this because I don't know if I can go through another heartbreak.

I walk towards the bathroom to help my daughter. I sit on the side of the tub and grab the shampoo, "Come here, baby."

She walks back to me, and I start washing her hair. I see the monitor on her arm, and so many emotions hit me. I'm grateful she finally got what she needed. It's so hard to try to buy her medicine and keep her leveled when I can't even afford it.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" Mani says, wiping my tears.

"I'm just happy, baby," I say, rinsing off her hair.

"Is it because of Hope? Did she make you happy?" I start laughing.

"Yes," I admit, still smiling.

"Good, I told her to stop being an asshole to you."

"Imani! Language!" I continue laughing, even though I should be mad at her. But she is right. Hope has been nothing but an asshole to us. I turn off the water and dry her up. She runs to her room to get dressed, and I get into the shower to wash.

Once I'm done, I lay in bed, and Imani crawls in next to me. She cuddles close, and I inhale the strawberry scent of her hair.

"Mommy?" I hum a response, "I like Hope." She whispers and starts to drift off to sleep as I rub her head.

"Me too, baby girl, me too."

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