Character Aesthetics

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" She taught him to speak out loud,
He taught her to hear the silence "

~ Ananya Rajput ~
~ 24 ~

❝  We are on earth to spread love and...some cookies? 

some cookies?  ❞

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~ Sahil Khurana ~
~ 27 ~

❝  When life doesn't make any sense, you're going right  ❞

❝  When life doesn't make any sense, you're going right  ❞

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~ Them ~

24 × 27
Talkative × Silent
Miss Handsome × Mr Beautiful
Miss Taylor Swift Ambassador × Mr 'What Nonsense'


So here are the aesthetics. How are they?

The hardwork I did should be appreciated a little 🥲

Anyways, Meet you in the first part :D

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