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Chapter Twenty Nine
"If this is what fake couple looks like, then I would love to be in a fake relationship"


I just can't stop thinking about Sahil since that damn day!

It's been almost twenty days now, everyday atleast once, I meet him and that is while dinner. His mother insisted on Me and Kirti having our dinner along with them. I tried to decline her politely but she was so good in emotional blackmail.

Even more than me!

So, we had to agree. Every night, we have dinner together, and it gives me the feeling of family. Even in my own house, nobody sits together for lunch or dinner. The men of the house have it first and the leftover is for the women. So unfair, I know. But here in his house, in his family things are so different.

Aunty made this rule of having the dinner together, no matter what important work you have. And if it's very urgent then previously give her a handwritten letter, like when we write the leave note in school to principal. These small things of her are very admiring and cute.

And the way she is Frank with all of us. Even with me and Kirti gives me comfort. After four years, I felt like I had a mother again. She would arrange dates for me and Sahil every once a while and forcefully sends us. Sometimes asks Kirti and Vivian to join us. At the end, this family is very lovely. The type which no one gets easily. The type which should be protected at any cost.

Like, if I ever want to become a mother, I would want to be like his Mother. Not even my Mom, but his mother.

Atleast she knows how to take a stand for her children. And to let them take a stand for her instead of blaming them.

Nevermind, coming to the point, Today we had to leave for Abhinav's wedding. It was after twenty five days but for the pre wedding arrangements and everything, the Khurana's were going. And each one of them, I'm not even lying, each one, forced me to join them early. I was going go with Kirti on the main five days of wedding, but all four of them managed to convinced me to go with them.

The reason Aunty gave was Sahil won't pay attention to the work there if you won't come. He'll be busy thinking about you, so come.

Vivian was like I'll probably get bored with Sahil in the journey, so it's be fun to be with you. I don't mind third wheeling you guys too.

Sahil's reason was It is written in the clause that you'll come with me whenever I ask you to. So, you're coming.

Uncle said I'll take you to our farms there. And yes, I couldn't find a better reason.

So yes, I'm going there to see uncle's farms.

I tried convincing Kirti and she was almost convinced but then she already used her leaves and if she took more, then her salary will be deducted. Afterall it's a matter of 15 days.

While in my case, the boss of my company was going to get married, so some employees were already invited and few days leave was given to everyone. But my salary was still deducted. Sad, I know.

Now, currently we were on the railway station as there were no flights available, we had to go by train which was going to take 31 hours. Yes, can you imagine? This is my longest journey by train. While returning, me and Kirti are going to come by flight. And I already miss Kirti. Obviously, his family made sure I don't feel left out but I need my person with me, too.

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