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Chapter twenty
" Eureka Eureka, I found him "


I stole a glance of him and caught him already staring at me, both of us diverted our gaze. I regret saying those words to him. It was heat of the moment but he was not wrong. He had a different perspective on it, my perspective was pretty simple, if smoking gives me a little peace then I don't care if I die because of it. Atleast it gave me a moment of peace.

Specially, when there are some mixed emotions building inside me, a kind of fear but also anger on my own fate, many regrets and lots of frustration.

Within a month I got so attached to Amar Bhai that him leaving made me go crazy. I know that he has a life, but do I not deserve someone around me I can call a part of my family?

For four years, whenever someone asked me about my family, I would just stutter, I had no clue how to respond.

I do realise that I was the one who left, but they gave me a reason.

Like everytime, during my college times if someone mentions that they had to go home because their parents wouldn't allow late, I would wonder that there was no one behind to stop me. Everytime someone mentioned it was their parents birthday, I wondered how I can't even wish them. Worse, how they wouldn't want me to wish them.  Everytime someone mentioned that it was a family get together, I would go like, I don't even have a family. 

Why was my life so fucked up?

In a month, I got very much attached to him again, I felt good, happy, as if I had someone I can call my own. And now he has to go back and I'm again back to the square. Who stays? No one?

Many times I question myself, will anyone ever stay?  The answer is almost the same always.

I wanted to cry so bad but I didn't even had anyone's shoulder at the moment.

I blinked rapidly, not wanting my tears to fall from my eyes and sipped the vodka from my glass down my throat. I lost the count of glasses I had drank.

No Anu, Not now atleast. Everyone is here, watching you. They will consider you weak, don't. Distract yourself.

I took a deep breath as I watched everyone dancing, enjoying as if these were the best moment of their lives. The strange thing was that Kirti already made a friend and was madly dancing with that guy. She is a party animal and no one can deny it. Partying is her easy way out of life.

Vivian was also in the partying zone but I noticed the number of times he had looked at Kirti and the guy, dancing together, and the look on his face at the moment was pure jealousy.

I sense some chemistry.

We already played games and everything till bhai was here and now everyone was busy with themselves. Abhinav, as he insisted me to use his firt name, and Aditi, his to be fiancee, were standing just beside me now. I didn't intend to but I heard him ask her.

" You are not uncomfortable, na? " She shook her head. She wasn't much of a talker. She spoke only when necessary. And not in a bad way, but she looked scared most of the time, no idea from whom. Everyone has their own history.

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