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Chapter Seventeen
"What if I'm not just his friend"


A voice I've heard somewhere before fell on my ears and I felt Sahil removing his light grip from my wrist. He took a deep breath as of preparing for what comes next and I stood there confused.

A woman, probably in her early 50's stood there wearing an orange suit and her hair tied in a bun. I can tell that she was fond of jewellery by the amount of it she was wearing. And then it clicked me, she lives just below me. I mean, her house is in the 10th floor while mine is in 11th.

I have met her earlier and I must say she isn't the sweetest person to be with. I accidentally bumped into her and she made faces as if I've stolen her dog. She also has a dog by the way, and he is cute. But he likes to jump on people. And I was traumatized for a whole minute when he jumped on me. But I survived. No injections, no bites.

Yeah so, now I can tell I'm not her favourite by the looks she's giving me. And the looks she's giving Sahil are as if he is cheating on her. Or probably her daughter. The whole betrayed look.

" She's a good friend, Aunty " Sahil said with a soft smile.

" Oh, okay. By the way, Khwaish is coming to India next month. Are you excited to meet her? " The Aunty asked with a teasing smile.

Who is this Khwaish?

" N-Yes Aunty " He looked rather uncomfortable when this name came up.

" You should be. This time I'm going to make you my son in law, I'll go to your parents directly with a marriage proposal. " She said grinning widely.

Can she not notice that the guy is clearly not interested? Or she ignores it?

" Uh. Let her come, Aunty. We'll see then? " He said awkwardly.

" Yeah yeah. You are not in a relationship now, or are you? Ah right, I heard you broke up with the girl you were in? Now you are finally free" And then elders says we are mannerless.

He is free? So what is he? An item which you get for free?

" Sorry to interrupt, but 'finally free'? He was in relationship by his choice, wasn't he? Atleast fake some sympathy, Aunty ji " I said in a politest manner possible. Sahil however, from his eyes directed me to not argue here.

" I meant-" she started but there was nothing to say on her defence so she just glared at me and continued " I didn't mean it that way, Sahil. And I wasn't speaking with you so don't interrupt. And you're just his friend, okay " it looked as if she was convincing herself.

The urge to show her a thumbs up with a fake smile on my face and leave was very strong. But I still stood there shamelessly or else this poor guy, won't speak for himself and hear her talks.

" What if I'm not just his friend? " I asked her with a smirk and then looked at Sahil with the same smirk and winked. He just shook his head and I reassured him by blinking my eyes once.

This is the best way to get this guy out of the situation.

It's my time to be a god's angel in my god's angel's life.

Too complicated.

" What do you mean? " She asked with confusion plastered on her face.

" I think you're smart enough to understand that, Aunty ji. " I said and winked while looking at her. She looked at Sahil in shock asking him what nonsense am I speaking. And I continued " So Aunty, I suggest you to find some other guy for your daughter, because unfortunately this one isn't free, I guess. "

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