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Chapter Thirty-Four
"This nazar shit is real!"


"Where are you lost?"

"Earth to Ananya"

"Chamatkar?!" Sahil snapped his fingers in front of my face. I blinked my eyes in confusion. We were still in the alley but inches apart from each other.

What the f- No, I'm not saying that.

Did I hit my head somewhere?

But why the hell would I suddenly imagine Sahil kissing me out of nowhere? Like totally out of nowhere.

And especially when we are lost in a dark place at night.

And more specifically, can I expect that from him? He doesn't even like me that way.

I shut my eyes in embarrassment. Wake up to reality, Ananya. This 'shutting you up by a kiss' doesn't work here. It's only fictional. Guess you've read many novels when you zone out between a conversation and think about kissing him.

It's supposed to be a silly crush, Anu. Just a silly crush.

But I like him. A lot.

Just a silly crush.

"Yes, W-What happened? I zoned out." And even kissed you while that though you don't know.

"I think I know the way back home. Thanks to you, who decided to shut up for five minutes after I said so."

Thanks to you, who kissed me in my imagination.

Oh, so everything after that was my imagination.

Sad, sad, sad. Here I thought I had my first kiss.

When, God, when? I'm already turning twenty-four in four months.

I want to have my first kiss in four months or...

I'm extending the limit.

"Okay. Let's go"

"By the way, what were you thinking so seriously?" I coughed at his question.

Something you shouldn't know.

"N-Nothing. Let's go before you say that the road vanished" I rolled my eyes trying to change the topic.

I feel so stupid. Maybe I am.

But let alone the thought of kissing him was so good? How would the reality be?

But he doesn't like me back. I guess.

While going back, I was majorly busy thinking if I had such a huge crush on him that in mid-conversation my mind went there. Or if it's just the novels.

"Why are you so quiet?" He asked me raising his brows.

"I'm not" I lied kicking the stone in my way.

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