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Chapter twenty two
"Khurana's ki adalt starring bada wala khurana beta"



My head snapped towards the direction this voice came from only to find My Mom standing there with an amused expression and a hand covering her open mouth from a distance, along with my dad who stood there with his phone, as if he was clicking a picture.

He was clicking a picture.

I managed to get out of the bed, sweat was already formed due to the tension with Ananya and now this. I gulped nervously when I saw Mom smirking while looking at Dad who nodded with the same smirk and both of them looked at me at the same time.

"M-m-m-m-m-m-mom?" I stuttered badly which made things look more worse.

"Hello, my son" She said and I blinked rapidly. She glanced at something behind me and I turned back to see what. Ananya, who was now sitting on the bed,, smiling.  My mom waved towards her "And his just friend"

Ananya looked confused and looked back to find nobody so she asked "Me?"

My Mom nodded. "Oh hiiiiiiiiii"

I was still in the state of shock. What the hell is happening right now? Tell me, I'm dreaming. Please, tell me.

I used the age old way of pinching myself to check if this is true and it was. It did hurt but only a little.

Go back to sleep and never wake up again, Sahil.

Can I not travel into some other world right now?

I hate this. I hate this. I hate this.

Remember I told my heart was beating fast when I made that eye contact with Ananya in that position. My heart, now, is racing so damn fast as if it has participated in a marathon and took an oath to win.

Why is this happening?

My mom ran behind Ananya when she noticed her running towards the bathroom. My paused self couldn't figure out anything right now but I went behind them too.  There was Drunk Ananya sitting on the floor, and throwing up in the toilet. My Mom sat on knee level and held her open hairs aside, while patting on her back.

I tied her hair so badly that they were open again?

After a few minutes of me and Dad watching the whole scene. They came out and Ananya sighed as if it's her final breath. 

"Khada kya hai paani leke aa"  Mom said and I looked at her confused.
[What are you standing for, go bring some water]

Are they really real?


"Paani!!" I nodded understanding what she meant this time and brought some water real quick.

I would be on cloud ninth if you tell me this is my hallucination.  Please do that.

My Mom made her drink the water while she made faces. Her eyes showed she wanted to sleep badly now.  All her energy was drained.

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