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Chapter Four
Good news, I don't have any stalker.


The argument between me and the receptionist finally ended when a guy gave me his room, probably getting tired of the fight.

But after hearing his words, it seemed like he genuinely wanted to help. I was in utter shock when he asked the receptionist to watch is tone while speaking with any woman. Isn't that the way every man speaks with woman?

I thought it was very comman because I always saw that happening all my life. But this guy, he took stand for a total stranger like me. He did the thing which no one in my soon to be 20 years of existence ever did. I was astonished. He gained respect in my eyes today, more than my father. More than any guy I have met.

I finally came out of the shower after like a hour. Showers are the best to clear my head. I feel so much better now.

I quickly changed into some presentable yet comfy clothes and rushed towards the food section of the hotel I was staying in. I was so hungry after all this. I haven't ate a single thing after 1 in the afternoon and now it was almost 9.

Staying hungry gives me bad headaches.

As soon as I opened the door of my room, I saw that same guy standing right in front of me as if he was waiting for me to open the door. The fear or panic whatever you call it was clearly visible on his face along with some embarrassment.

Don't tell me he wants the room back!

" Do you want the room- " I said and he cut me off.

" No, no, no,  you can keep the room. That is over " he replied.

" So? "

" So? " He asked back and I was slightly irritated.

"You are too good at assuming things, Ananya. This guy is another creep. I bet " The devil side inside me along with two horns on her head spoke.

" You could be just assuming that he is a creep. He seems so genuine. "  The angel with a bright yellow ring on her head said.

" Whatever it is, he has to be one of the most well sculptured male species out here "  The simp with two hearts popping instead of it's eyes.

I mean no one is lying here but- Okay I'm not a total pervert. I just appreciate the beauty of some well created male humans. Even females sometimes. I mean god created art, the art should be appreciated.

" Uhm, I just need to talk with you. It's important " He said and I wondered what is so important right now.

Because to me, nothing is more important than food. And I need that right now.

" What talk? " I asked.

" Can we sit somewhere and talk?  It's gonna be very long. Did you have your dinner? " He asked and I shook my head in a no.

" Good, I too didn't. Can we talk over dinner? " I bet the hesitation can be seen all over my face.

So what if he's good looking, nobody knows his thoughts. I mean he doesn't look that kind but, who would ask a stranger of opposite gender to have a dinner and a talk about something very important? I mean he doesn't even know me.

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