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Chapter fourteen
" I want to kill someone "


" Boo "

A soft childish voice followed by giggles was heard while I was in my own lala land after what happened.

Such a half Bollywood-ish moment? In silly Ananya's life?

God, who pleased you so much today? 

Now this is a sign, you guys are meant to be, yes yes yes. Ship ship ship.

No, No, No. Don't let that sneaky simp present inside you take over, Anu. It's a bitch who ships you with every other guy you find sweet and makes you get a teeny tiny crush which becomes a whole-ass obsession for months.

What guys? Every guy vanished when I laid my eyes on him.

Geez, if I could flirt this good in my mind, why can I not publically? Not like I want to.

Also, he has a girlfriend. And he is your brother's friend. And you know nothing about him. Take that.

We are getting out from Ananya's world now. Time to face the reality.

" Avyaan? " Sahil said with a wide smile present on him face now. The kid, who was around 4-5 years, ran towards Me, I thought but was I wrong. He ran towards Sahil and seeing his speed I stepped aside giving them some space, while the kid names Avyaan hugged Sahil. Or basically both of his legs.

The height difference between them was that three and half little Avyaan could make up one Sahil. And that made me realise that Sahil was really tall.

Sahil laughed and removed Avyaan's hands from his legs, and then bent down to his level and then hugged him.

" You are back? " Sahil asked and Avyaan nodded while muttering a small 'yesh'

While I was busy adoring both of them, I heard a voice which I knew I had heard before. I turned around to find Mr Abhinav Randhawa, the owner of the company I worked in. My brain then recalled Sahil mentioning him as his bestfriend, a few days back, after that scooty incident.

" Even I am back " he said.

Sahil and that cutie Avyaan broke the hug and Sahil picked him up in his arms and walked towards Abhinav.

" Ofcourse. He can't come alone at this hour, or at any hour " Sahil replied. I decided to back off a little and let the friends have a conversation.

But how long am I going to stand here? I must be invading thier private time.

But I can't even leave without telling a goodbye to Sahil. That would be rude, specially when he stayed with me the whole time while I was feeling low.

A pout automatically formed on my lips, what am I supposed to do in this tricky situation?

I, awkwardly, stood there noticing the shrubs, flowers, leaves and even the insects present on them, while they had a conversation.

A few minutes passed and now I decided to atleast tell Sahil and take my leave from there. I walked towards them again and called out his name.

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