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Chapter fifteen
" I'm trusting you with this secret "


As soon as the first safety door opened, she stood there wearing a pink coloured Apron that ended till her mid thighs, her hairs tied in a small messy bun with few strands of her hair, which girls call flicks, dancing on both the side of her face. Her cheeks were covered with white dust, which I'm smart enough to understand was flour. She didn't wear her glasses though.

I was able to notice these details within first five seconds and then when my eyes met hers, the unknown song played in the background.

" Ocean blue eyes, Looking at mine,
I feel like I might, sink and drown and die "

I wasn't even curious to know from where or how did the song start playing as my eyes were not leaving hers, my brain could think nothing at the moment, and this was the first time, it had no thoughts. It was like someone had paused it. 

I scanned her brown eyes, which held so much curiousity, confusion. But it looked so Innocent. She looked so innocent.

" Who's there, Anu? " Someone's voice fell on my ears and they sent signal to my brain. And finally it started working.

My heart did not race with speed, giving me some twisted knots in my stomach and goosebumps but rather it skipped a beat with tenderness.

A mere eye contact can make you feel so much. Specially when you did not feel any of it from months.

As the eye contact broke, I noticed Ananya's brows furrowing and she was looking towards me with parted lips in total confusion. Her expression changed within a second, when something hit her. And I don't know what hit her again, she banged the door close on my face.

I stood there mazed. I had no clue what was I supposed to do when a girl, who was supposedly my neighbour, banged the door of her house on my face after we shared an eye contact on a random song playing in the background. I just wanted keys to my house. Vivian said he gave it to the neighbours.

I could not hear the song anymore so I guessed she stopped it. And then I heard some footsteps like someone was running here and there. After another few seconds, the door opened again and this time, there was no song playing in the background, her cheeks were cleaned but a water drop fell and she wiped it while panting.

" Sorry, what happened? Can I help you with something? " She asked me.

The door happened. Also you can help me by not closing the door on my face? My ego is hurt. I wanted to reply this with that emoji with a smile and a tear appearing on my face. But I didn't.

It's okay. Let me collect the pieces of my shattered ego from the ground.

Gosh, When did I start becoming this dramatic?

" Uh, the keys. Vivian said he gave you the keys to our house. Actually I forgot to take the keys with me today, and he had to go out so he told me he's giving them to you " I replied.

" I don't know. Let me ask Kirti. " She said and I nodded. The next second she shouted out her name " Kirti "

There was no response from Kirti's side. So Ananya shouted again and gave me an apologetic look.

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