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Chapter Nine
" Don't eat the chocolates "


My first day was pretty good, I reached nearly on time, all thanks to the God's Angel, Sahil. The colleges were also friendly to work with. My team's head was also not like the typical boss which is good. And at the end I liked working here.

The boss Sahil was speaking about, Abhinav Sir, was actually the CEO of this company. I did meet him when I came for the interview but after that I had to assign to my team leader, Aniket Sir, he would go and speak further with Abhinav Sir.

I glanced at my wristwatch just to find that it was already 7. I picked up my scooty from his restaurant's parking lot and on my way I bought a good large chocolate for him. I couldn't think of anything else to give him.

And I remember in the morning, he asked the person to give it to repair too and ofcourse he would not accept money, so this is my way. I don't like accepting anyone's money, I take it in a form of gift but just casually I won't. No matter how rich a person is, he earned it with hardwork too.

Amar Bhai is also arriving today. Although he declined when I asked him if I should pick him up from the Airport. He didn't want me to get in any trouble. He is directly arriving where I am staying which is Kirti's cousin's house, although no one is at home for a few days but they let us stay till we find an apartment for ourselves.

I also have this one question, why is everyone so sure that I will fall in any sort of trouble?

Even Kirti said that when I was leaving the house, in the morning. These people have kaali zaban. I fall in trouble because they say it. Huh.
[Kaali Zaban - A phrase to describe someone who speaks bad about someone or something to happen in future]

Look how easily I blamed them. Smart Mafia Queen Ananya.

I went towards the reception of the restaurant and asked them I wanted to meet Sahil. The man at the reception asked me somethings for formality and then showed me the way to his office. I thanked him and made my way.

While searching for the office, the fragrance of tasty food hit my nostrils and that made me more hungry then I ever was. In my way, I bumped with someone and the chocolate fell from my hand. The guy muttered an apology and picked it up for me. Just when he looked up and glanced at my face, he said.

" Wait, I have seen you before "

Us bro us.

Even I felt that I have seen him somewhere. My mind just couldn't recollect where. I scanned his face for a few more seconds.

" You're Anya? "  He asked me and I shook my head.

" Oh right. That's not you. " He said while his brows still confused. The guy was trying so hard to remember who I am. And just then he almost shouted " You're Ananya? Right, Right, Right, Right, Right. We met four years ago while I was clicking your pictures- not yours, but my brother's. You told him the whole chamatkar lie, remember? "

The more I try to forget that, the more people bring it up. And yeah I do remember now, he was Sahil's brother, I still can't recollect his name though.

" Yeah Right. I remember now. You're Sahil's brother, right?  "

" Yeah. Vivian Khurana, by the way. " He said and forwarded his hand for a handshake.

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