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Chapter nineteen
But I just can't stop looking at her.


" So, Ananya and you, huh bhai? " Vivian passed me a teasing smile while raising his eyebrows.

" What nonsense? " I glared at him while he changed his reaction to a serious one.

" Do you not feel ashamed of snatching the girl your brother was flirting with? Because I feel betrayed " he dramatically shook his head.

" What do you mean by 'snatching'? Rethink your words then open your mouth." He opened his mouth first in his defence and then muttered a " Sorry "

" And As if she was giving you attention. Not a single time did she understood that you were flirting, she took it just as a compliment " I gave him the reality check.

" Alright those are facts. But what did you guys even do that Mom called me to crosscheck whether you have a girlfriend? " He asked and I looked at him in disbelief.

Now I feel betrayed. So betrayed.

" Mom called you? What did you say? "

" Just that you hid your relationship from me too but me, being a smartie, knew about it already " he joked considering me a fool to come into his words. I just rolled my eyes at the statement and chose to ignore it.

No matter how bad brother he is, he would save me.

And coming to the fact that Mom didn't beleive me and called him, means after almost a month of that incident makes me wonder. If she wanted to, she would have done that when it happened.

But whatever Ananya did, helped me in a good way only, the Aunty just passes me a soft taunting smile which makes me embarrassed but okay It's better than her daydreaming about marriage and pressuring me.

Though she did wrong by indirectly complaining to my Mom was if we are 5 year olds and now my Mom has this weird obsession trying to find out if I have a girlfriend. You might call her nosy but somewhere she has every right to be.

My parents are very open minded in this case, or in every case actually. I wouldn't be scared to tell them if I had a girlfriend, I told them about Natasha too. And that's what scares them the most. The initial months of my breakup were very hard. No matter how hard I tried to hide things, my behaviour reflected and they understand thier child better than anyone.

Losing Natasha was something I had never imagined, both of our families had reached a stage where they were planning our engagement and then our breakup happened. Our families lost contact too. So it's natural for them to worry about me and to be honest my Mom would be on the ninth heaven if she thinks I have a girlfriend, though I do not.

But Whatever happened, happened.

" Okay. Now where are they? " He asked while glancing at his watch. Today we planned to go to the club to celebrate two occasions. One, Abhinav's marriage was fixed with Aditi. The date was announced and it was like a month from now. Second, Amar was going back from today's flight, so we can consider this as his farewell party. He leaves directly for the airport after this.

Vivian, Amar and I were the first ones to arrive, all thanks to me, and now the girls are late. I leaned on my car while patiently waiting for them to arrive while Vivian ran in his own marathon, from one end to other. Amar got a call from his girlfriend and he went to attend that. We waited for another 10 minutes when I decided to call Ananya and ask her directly.

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