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(A/n - Most of you'll miss the last chapter, do check it out first)
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Chapter Forty-Nine
"You want to break up with me?"


"I don't want to have a conversation right now," Sahil said when I held his hand stopping him in the garden. I rushed downstairs behind him to stop him but he would just not listen.

"Hear me out." I pleaded and he shook his head.

"What do you want me to hear? Your explanations? I am least interested in that. So let's just not continue this right now or else I'd burst out so bad on you that you'll feel bad. I don't get angry easily but when I do, I say some very hurtful and mean things. So, leave." I was still facing his back while he was saying those things. He did not turn behind for once.

"Burst out on me. I made a mistake so I deserve it." He let out a laugh filled with sarcasm.

"If you realise that you're making a mistake, then don't continue it. So, please don't play this card with me." He did not let his tone go one decibel high but rather stuck to the one filled with taunts.

"It's not that easy, Sahil," I said and held him by my other hand too, turning him to face me.

"Yes, I know, it is not. Life is not easy. Neither it is for you, nor me. Even I have problems in my life but that doesn't mean go around drinking, smoking, taking drugs or any such thing." I could see the fury in his eyes now, his body language itself showed how much anger held within himself.

"I know but-" he cut me off and took a few steps closer to me. I looked around to check if people were present there. I don't want to create a scene here, especially in the society to stay in, I am moving out soon.

He cares a lot about his reputation.

"That packet costs your life. I tried to explain it to you first in a very sweet manner but it looks like I have to show you the harsh reality which I think you're already aware of. That one advertisement related to true events of what happened because of smoking before any movie starts, in which you hide your face seeing the condition of the person, that is because of your cigarette. Do you want to end like that?"

Imagining the thought itself scared the shit out of me. I do realise the bad effects and I agree with him but he needs to understand my point of view.

"Do you wish to die soon? And the only reason was that you were overwhelmed and you smoked a cigarette. Is that the way you wish to die from? And you said that you smoke only when you are sad, angry or frustrated to a level, let's count-"

"Let's not create a scene here. Come with me, we'll sort it out in my house." I interrupted him in mid-sentence.

"I'm not interested in sorting things out right now. I'm feeling a little too angry and frustrated, Let me smoke a cigarette." He taunted me and I let out aone-coloured knowing how hard this was going to be with him.

I should have listened to him when he dealt with me politely. His harsh ways are too harsh to handle for me. Especially when he does not behave like this, seeing him so angry because of a small thing like that makes me feel guilty.

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