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Chapter Twenty One
"Will you be my fictional boyfriend?"


I drove the car while the mad woman beside me sang a song named mad woman. If I say that she doesn't listen to any one other artists than Taylor Swift, I would be correct. She shouted the lyrics as if some heartbroken female lead of a Bollywood movie.

" Cause no one likes a mad womannnnnnnnnnnnn "

The song had some good lyrics but the one beside me didn't know how to sing well. Not gonna lie.

" Hufffff. I'm so so tired "

" So sleep now. " She shook her head and started the babbling.

" Do you know Aaron? " I raised my brow in confusion.

" You don't knowww himm??? Sed. He is a white man with blue something eyes and he has blonde hairs, he is veryyy handsome. More than you. " Ouch.

" Oh is he? Where did you meet him? " I asked curiously.

" That's the climax. I never met him, I can never meet him. Our worlds are very different " she said and wiped her non existing tears.

" Why? "

" I belong to this cruel real worlddddd and he belongs to the good-good-good fictional world. Sad story " Her facial expressions proved that she could have a good career in acting. I laughed at this and looked at her still looking out of the window with a pout.

" Stop stop stop " I ignored her voice.

" Arey Stop the car! "

" Stoppppppppp itttttttttttttt! "

" You won't stoppp? "

" Okay fine, get ready to meet Mafia Queen Ananya now " she muttered while flaring her nostrils like the cartoon character.

What will she even do?

" Help! Help! Help! He's kidnapping me. Someone help this damsel in distress who is kidnapped by this good-looking villian. Help help help! " She shouted, her head almost outside the window.

" Hey fellow over there, with hella good hair, HELP ME! " She gave me a side eye and smirked.

Why am I stuck here? Normal Ananya was already hard to handle, Drunk one is crazier.

Forcefully, I had to stop the car or else I'll have to spend the night at jail.

" Saving you from trouble is going to get me in trouble someday. " She  couldn't stop giggling at this.

" Why did you ask me to stop the car, Madam? " I asked.

" Uh " She looked out the window and searched for something on the road.

" There was a hand-some guy on the road, I wanted youuu to seeeee him. But now he's lost. All because of you " she glared at me.

" Seriously, Chamatkar "

" You want to know a secret? Come closer " I obeyed and went closer. She came more closer and now there was only a little air between my left and her right cheek. She whispered in my ear. I gulped the Saliva down my throat.

" I have supppper powers to kill you if you call me that again. Mind it. "

I shook my head and settled back into my previous position.

" Oh which super powers? " I asked.

" Superpowers are supposed to be  secret. That reminds me, Why aren't you a bad man? "

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