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Chapter Eighteen
" Oh my my, you are so hot"


" Yeah sure, Don't worry Vivian, I'll go and check on him. "

" Thankyou so much " he replied.

" No need to thank me. We are friends, right? " I said and I could imagine him nodding.

" Yeah. I'll hang up now, Bye. Enjoy " he said.

" Bye " I replied as he hung the call. He called and asked me to check on Sahil, who was sick at this moment. And Vivian's boss was making him work overtime and after that he has some important work, so he asked me to go and check on his brother because he knows that his brother wouldn't and couldn't take care of himself when he is sick.

Even Kirti is coming home late tonight, and Amar bhai went to meet a friend. As a matter of fact, Kirti and Vivian worked in the same office. Kirti applied in the same company as mine but it she didn't get approved so the next offer she got was from the se company Vivian was working in.

I won't be shocked if both of them got fired for arguing every second.

I mean just imagine the tolerance level of the people who works with both Kirti and Vivian, the same ones who still can't spell each other's name.

But they are not important at this moment, It's Sahil. What happened to him? He got sick because of the way I acted in the evening in front of that Aunty?

I understand that I got a little overboard and I shouldn't have done that. But you know what, I have a bad habit of poking my nose in matters of people I care about.

He's my good friend and he has been there for me, took a stand for me in the moments no one heard me. Let it be the four years old incident or the scooty incident, or that day in the garden. This time when he couldn't speak for himself, I chose to.

My action was wrong but intension wasn't.

And both action and intension is going to get me in trouble one day, Mark my words. I can feel it.

I took the keys of the apartment and went towards his apartment, ringing the doorbell. I waited for a few minutes but no one opened the door so I chose to ring it again. And after a few seconds, the door opened revealing Sahil, with tired looks, a red nose and puffy eyes, as if he just cried.

" Hey " he said.

" Hi, Are you okay? Vivian informed me that you are sick, What happened? " I asked and he showed me his palm for a second. He whole attention was fixed in something and after some good seconds, he sneezed going all " Aaachooooo "

" Yeah, sorry. Vivian has a habit of exaggerating, I'm fine " he replied.

" Clearly, you are not. Can.. I come inside? " I asked as it was awkward to stand outside and talk.

" Yeah sorry. I forgot to welcome you. It's just I'm going insane. Come, sit " he said and I went inside and gestured him to sit, closing the door.

" Your condition is really bad, did you visit a doctor? " I asked and he shook his head.

" It's normal, chill. I get sick when I eat something cold in winters, it's okay. " He said while taking a deep breath and then coughed again.

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