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Chapter ten
" But my eyes are not blue "


Do you know the feeling of finally moving on from someone?

Like, you don't feel anything after seeing them again?

Like, The war is over?!

My war with myself finally got over the day I saw her and didn't feel a single thing. The war with Natasha got over nine months and twelve days ago. But if in the war, we were both on different teams then maybe it would have been a little easy, but we were on the same team. And damn, that hurted like anything.

It was a mutual breakup, but sometimes they are harder than one sided ones. We don't have anyone to blame everything on. We were both equally to be blamed in this case.

And when I saw her that day after Ananya's whole fight and whatever incident, I did not feel anything, like literally no butterflies, no lovely feelings, no regrets. This was the last stage of moving on, I beleive.

But somewhere the guilt of not being able to be together while we looked perfect never left. Neither me and nor her, it can be seen from our expressions.

It's okay, Sahil. She was a chapter which is over.

But it hurts. So freaking much.

Coming to Ananya, I was not able to recognise her first but later I did. It's not her face was easy to forget but rather I could never remember any girl's face except for Natasha at that time. Every other girl seemed just the normal to me.

That day when I paid attention to Ananya, I noticed her dark shoulder length wavy hair, the waves were uneven. Her eyes were a shade of brown which looked so surreal in sunlight. Her skin was a little lighter than her eyes but it shined along with her eyes while she was fighting like every cell inside her was set to argue.

Almond coloured. This was the perfect colour to describe her eyes.

However, her nose was a little long and curvy, but the nose bridge was high. And her lips weren't pink, they were double coloured. Those catched my attention very soon. Her upper lip was of darker shade while the lower one just had a outline of dark shade and were pink ish in the middle. Not everyone has such dual coloured lips.

But the courage she carried with herself needs to be mentioned more than the facial features. Her attitude, that was impressive. She didn't need to be saved from anyone.

She wasn't a damsel in distress. She was the stress.

Not in a bad way. I must add.

Though it's been fifteen days since that incident and we aren't in touch anymore. Guess she came to thank me with a chocolate but Vivian did the honour to collect it and I was shocked that it reached to me safely.

We can not trust Vivian when it comes to chocolates.

I however don't like them much. I don't like sweet things in that context. I gave four pieces of it to Vivian, because he begged like a child and irritated the shit out of me. When I refused to give him half of it the only thing he had to say was " You are not giving me because she gave you this. Looks like someone is special "

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