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Chapter Thirty-Five
"Fake in-laws?"


"Should I help you out?" I asked Aditi Bhabhi, entering her room. She was struggling to adjust the pleats of the saree she was wearing for a small puja.

[Puja - To worship God, or show respect to God, for example by saying prayers]

We had come to her house for the puja which were to be performed by Abhinav and her. I was feeling left out between their family talks so I asked her Mom if Bhabhi needed help and here I am.

She looked at me, gave a warm smile, and replied, "If you don't mind then, sure."

"Why will I mind?" I bent on my knees, brought all the pleats together, and pressed them on her leg.

She was looking so beautiful in the pastel pink saree and minimal makeup, her hair tied up in a bun and just a few strands were on her face. Aditi Bhabhi was naturally so beautiful, the type of girl every Mother looks for his Son. Her skin tone was as fair as milk, with naturally pink lips and a dimple arising every time she smiled, her facial features were soft and therefore she had a baby-like face. She looked much younger than her age.

I wish I was that fair.

The thought arose in my mind and it was just another day of seeing beautiful girls and wondering why am I not beautiful enough.

It happened every time, I did not wish their bad but just a thought that why am I not like her? Even Kirti, is so damn beautiful, so many guys were dying for her back in college. They would do anything to be with her. And she always ended up choosing the darkest red flag.

Not going to lie, but getting hurt by so many people in terms of relationships, she started becoming a red flag. I've told her many times that in front of her face, tried to make her understand but now the only thing she is interested is in having some fun and then telling each other to fuck off.

Her words. Not mine.

And that habit of hers gives me answers to why am I, not her. And why I shouldn't be.

Everyone has one bad quality in them, I agree. No one is perfect, agreed. Neither is she, nor am I. I'm not the one to judge her or anyone, but I cannot come across as like her in terms of relationships. She is a very good friend. The best one could ever find. But I'm not sure about girlfriend. And she never listens in that case too, so I stopped my attempts.

And about Aditi Bhabhi, if I was her, I would be an introvert, a person who rarely speaks. I wouldn't like that too. So I'm happy that I'm not her too.

And ladies and disappointments, this is how I satisfy myself when the thought arises.

I just lack in the looks department. Or else I'm good the way I am.

But why do I have glasses, I look better without them. And the dark circles. And pink lips would have been better. And fair skin of course.

"You look so lovely, Bhabhi. Nazar na Lage" I moved my hands in a circular motion above her head and pressed my knuckles on the side of my forehead. She blushed which was very clearly seen because of her skin colour.
[Let no evil eye spoil you]

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