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(A/N- *Check out the last chapter if you missed the update*)

Chapter Thirty-Three

I'll tell you pickup lines, Rate them"


"Sahilllll" I did a short dance while walking towards his room, shouting his name.

We were on the last floor of their mansion-like house which was practically a terrace, but there were also two rooms. We were given this last floor or terrace to ourselves so that we could get some privacy.  And that no one will get disturbed.

Everyone, even the elders are dirty minded, nowadays. Sad, Bad generation.

He didn't open the door when I knocked for like two times and shouted for like two hundred times but there was no response. I panicked wondering what happened to him. I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for him to answer or open the door.

Is he angry at me?

But what did I do? I recalled the day with every minor detail possible.

Was he angry because I was going to answer that Sana? But he didn't even let me. I would have understood if he was mad if I did that.

I noticed the long window, adjacent to the door which anyone could pass through it it's open. I went towards it and checked if I could open it and to my luck, it wasn't closed properly so I opened it, completely.

You should not do this!

I ignored the voice in my head and bending a little, I reached his room. I dusted off the dust in my hands with a proud look.

I, Mafia Queen Ananya had to act and enter a room like a thief, and all thanks to who?

Her God's Angel.

I closed the window again because armies of mosquitoes were entering the territory of Sahil. She wouldn't want him to get troubled while sleeping only because of this army. That is how sweet she is!

I looked around and did not find Sahil in the room. I'm sure he came into the room, but now where did he vanish? 

What if some monster from another dimension took him? Or worse, a sadist psychopath girl who's obsessed with him for years? I have to go and save him like a superhero.

Oh shit.

But before that, Did I close the window of my room properly?

Oh, double shit.

I was in my world of imagination where I saved Sahil wearing a red cape and a mask from the evil black-clothed, white-haired witch who had captured him when I heard a doorknob twisting.  I turned around, towards the door to see who was there. But neither did the door open nor there was a person.


What the fuck- where is his voice coming from? 

I turned back towards the room only to find Sahil standing there with a confused look on his face.

Where did he come from?

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