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Chapter 16
" To meet my boyfriend."


I opened my front door as soon as the bell rang and expected it to be Vivian, but sadly, it was Abhinav and Avyaan.

Let that mindless, senseless and most idiotic person come home today. No, No, I'm not even opening the door for him. He deserves it for not thinking even once before he opens his damn mouth.

I welcomed both of them inside and wondered what the reason would be. Usually Abhinav never comes arrives without informing and when something is important he gives me a location where we meet. If he appeared directly at my door then something is definitely wrong.

" Actually I wanted to discuss something with you and Avyaan was not ready to stay with Mom so I brought him along with me " He explained and I nodded.

" You don't need to justify why you brought him he is always welcomed here " I replied while pulling Avyaan's cheeks lightly and he smiled.

Avyaan was really a good and well behaved child compared to other kids of his age. He doesn't take the house on his head if he didn't get something, he would agree once said 'No' but his face would be upset the whole time.

Though he was very pampered by his whole family, but the absence of his mother still bugged him. Abhinav's wife, Dakshata, died due to a road accident when Avyaan was one and a half year old. Her death had physically, mentally and emotionally affected both Abhinav and Avyaan. Avyaan was sick for months, something broke inside Abhinav which could never heal.

Avyaan asked Abhinav for his phone to which he denied, so Avyaan sat down resting both his hands on his chin and looked towards the surroundings. I remembered some toys, Avyaan forgot the last time they came here, I went towards the drawer just below the television and searched for them.

Found it.

I gave them to Avyaan, his face lit up for a second and he smiled widely. He sat down on the floor and within a second all his toys were scattered on the ground and he was busy with that.

" Alright, So what happened, Abhi? " I asked and noticed his tensed face.

" Actually, Masi told Mom about a girl, who I don't know how she knows, but she told her that the girl is really nice even in looks and behaviour. Mom asked me to meet her once and I did, because even I realised that it's high time, Avyaan needs a mother now. He gets a lot quieter when he sees kids of his age with thier mother, the activities of his school involves a mother which he doesn't have. It's hard for him " Abhinav said and as soon as Avyaan heard his name his face shot up with a confusing look and when he heard the word 'mother' a wave of sadness could be seen on his face. Though he didn't react and got busy with his toys.

" I'm so happy that you finally understood. And not only Avyaan needs a mother but you are equally in need of a patner. It's clearly visible and understood. So whoever the girl is, do not ask her just to be his mother, let her be your wife. And be a good husband to her like you were to Dakshata bhabhi. It'll be hard but you take that descision only when you are ready to give her the place of wife in your heart and mind. "  I expressed my thoughts.

If he is not mentally prepared for a tender relationship like this then he should not mess with someone else's life too.

" Yeah, I know that. I had many thoughts on that but eventually everything led to the conclusion that I had to move on for Avyaan, for myself. " He said and I nodded.

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