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Chapter Thirty One
"I'm calling you one. Prove me wrong


"I-I knocked three-four times but there was no response and the door was open so- you're doing this again?"

"Ananya-" I told and she replied within seconds.

"Yes" she replied, smoking that damn harmful thing. I clenched my fist at that response.

It angers me so much but I know that is not the way to handle the situation. I have to handle this smartly and calmly.

I intentionally faked a cough when the smoke came out of the cigarette to get her reaction. But she just kept looking outside. The wind was blowing and her hairs were directly landing on her face. Without the cigarette, everything was beautiful.

I coughed more loudly this time while keeping a hand on my mouth as if I'm going to die.

Things I have to do for her.

"You should probably go. You are not used to this smoke" She gave her advice which I chose to ignore.

"No, no, it's okay. I'll have to handle this for my girlf- fake girlfriend, I guess."

On the scale of one to ten how much high was on that smoke to make that mistake?

Eleven, I guess.

"Alright, your choice"

Rude. Very rude. 

After a few seconds, She looked at me when I genuinely coughed (and also faked some) and then asked, "Should I throw this?"

"Nope, you shouldn't, you should enjoy your 'one step closer to death' session. What worse can even happen? I can get sick, or worse, I can die. And you won't be able to experience the fake dating thing, because I would be on death bed, convincing Ma that we are not a thing. Nothing worse. I think I can handle that, continue" I said and smiled a little making a sympathetic face.

"Rip in advance, Sahil. Rip" I  muttered under my breath loud enough for her to hear it, and shook my head. She eyed me with the corner of her eyes with a suspicious look.

"Ananya, don't throw it, don't. It's not a big deal. I can get used to it for you" I said when she removed it from her lips for a second.

"Uh, I wasn't going to" she said and I closed my eyes and coughed again. "Maybe, I think I should"

She discarded the cigarette in the Dustin kept beside her.

Good work, soldier!

"Why did you threw it?! It was so costly! It costed your death!" I exclaimed with a big smile on my face and hid it instantly after seeing her serious face. Holding my ears with my hands lightly I muttered a 'sorry'.

"Why are you doing this drama today?" She asked me with her hands folded below her chest.

"Because I gave myself a challenge of acting like Ananya today, as you are so Grumpy today." I said and a small pout formed on my lips.

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