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Chapter Two
A small thankyou gift


Are you ever afraid of making a mistake and ruining something perfect?

Well I am. I mean if a small mistake can ruin something really good, then the mistake wasn't small.

I know we all make mistakes but some mistakes are unintentional and some mistakes are because of the fear, of not being perfect?

My whole life I was taught to be perfect. Not taught, but I was expected to be best, to do the best. And when I did something bad, the disappointed eyes of my parents would haunt me. The look that they didn't expect this, atleast from me.

My younger brother, Vivian on the other hand is the careless one. The first person in his top five is him. I'm not saying that's incorrect or wrong but I just don't know how to not care.

Sliding this thoughts aside, I noticed my phone ringing and the name along with a smile on my face appeared. The only one who can lift my mood very easily.


My girlfriend.

We met a few years back through some common friends. We got pretty close with each other, and she was the one who would actually try to understand me and not expect me to become perfect. We caught feelings after a while and then decided to give us a shot. And now we are, in a relationship from a year.

" Helloooo  " Her cheerful voice reached my ears giving me some sort of peace. She has this thing of exaggerating the last letter of any sentence she speaks.

" Hey " I spoke and my voice exactly opposite as hers, tired.

" What are you doinggg? " 

" Nothing much, actually nothing at all. Just getting bored while Vivian is all excited for our trip" I said.

We actually came here just to relax, like as a break from the daily life. Our parents are busy attending a wedding which clashed with the date of our trip, so they let us go. Which is also because this adamant brother of mine was not ready to cancel the plan once made.

" Vivian knows how to enjoy, unlike you my boring person " she said and I rolled my eyes, though she can't see me rolling them.

" I know how to enjoy just my ways are different " I corrected her.

" I know, I know. You're different for others. "

" Definately "

While passing through the hall, I noticed the receptionist and a girl arguing. The girl was wearing a dark blue kurti along with jeans. And then I realised it was the same girl with whom I bumped into, earlier.

I was on a call with Ma so I didn't notice her face but her kurti was pretty good. It was similar to the one Natasha once wore.

" Natasha, uh, I'll call you back in a few minutes? Haan?  There is something happening in this hotel. " I said and went in their direction.

" What do you mean by something? " She asked.

" I don't know, some sort of fight I guess. " I told her.

" Oh okie, enjoy the drama and don't forget to tell me later " she said and I chuckled.

" Yes ma'am " I said and waited till she hang the call.

She loved drama a lot, but only when it wasn't hers.

A lot of people were gathered around enjoying the drama but none ready to stop them.

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