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"Mumma, Papa." 

I tiredly glanced at my five-year-old daughter, Mysha who was standing with her Panda shaped soft toy and the blanket was lying on her shoulder. Her expression told me that she had just woken up from sleep and most probably the reason is the noise this little demon is making.

It's one in the night and my energetic one-and-a-half-year-old son, Soumil, wouldn't sleep. No matter how hard I and Sahil try to make him sleep. Nighttime is his favourite time to crawl around the house at full speed, racing with our Khajur, the rabbit.

He thinks he is a tortoise who will win a race in front of the rabbit.

We decided to not get cats because Kirti didn't like them much. And all four of us live here together so we had to consider everyone's wishes, likes and dislikes.

During the initial years of my and Sahil's marriage, we used to stay alone because Vivian had shifted abroad for his masters and Kirti used to live in the same apartment where me and her used to stay.

"Mayu baby, why did you wake up?" Sahil went towards her and picked up his princess in his arms lovingly. He is her favourite and she is his.

I still remember the time when Soumil wasn't born and Mysha was playing some bridal song and re-creating the bridal entry by keeping my red dupatta on her head, the moment Sahil saw that scene he started crying. The mere thought of her going away from him made him tear up within a second. That is how much he loves her.

At first, I was a little jealous that I had no one in my team and this father-daughter duo teamed up against me. But now Soumil is going to be in my team, his actions state that.

He's also all crack and gone case.

"Soumil," I shouted when I noticed him almost hitting his head on the table, crawling blindly. Because of my scream, he halted in his place and looked at me, curiously. The expression vanished later and he grinned showing me the chocolate in his hand.

"Choki." He mumbled and rushed towards me, wanting me to open it for him.

"Don't, Ananya. He has had enough chocolates in the morning." Sahil told me and Soumil, the smartie,  understood that his father was denying so showed him puppy eyes.

He is very smart and knows how to get his things done.

"No choki today," Sahil told him strictly.

"Papa said no, Soumil." I took the chocolate from him and kept it on the table aside where he couldn't take it back. He started crying upon seeing me do this.

"Baby, Ki and Vi are sleeping inside, they'll wake up then." I tried to explain to him. Raising kids is hard. It was rather easy at Mysha's time because she wasn't like him, who would stay awake till two and create chaos. But it was my first time with her, so the fear was still present but at least she wasn't this hectic.

I wonder how my mother raised me, even though I was like Soumil, very hyperactive.

Maybe this is my karma for troubling her so much. Soumil is all set to take the damn house over his head every day.

"Papa, what are you both doing here?" Mysha asked Sahil, sitting on his lap wondering if she missed any fun.

We did nothing except recreate two cartoon scenes with Soumil while he kept giggling and cheering so that he won his race with our Rabbit, who was also very enthusiastic like him.

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