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Chapter eleven
" You piece of duck-"


I have never been this embarrassed in my entire life.

If you know me, then you also know the embarrassing things I do, but this, it deserves to be on the top with a crown on it's head and a wicked smile on face.

Prank calling the guy firstly you threw a fake story on (totally based on your fake name), the guy you always fight in front of (who totally appears like a God's angel), the guy whom you give chocolates in the name of gift (I'm damn sure he never ever touched them), the guy you find totally han-

I never completed my sentence. I never completed it.

You can think that I meant to say handsome but I meant to say handled and well mannered.

Alright, That should stay between us.

Back to the topic.

The guy you find totally handsome/ handled and well mannered-

Gosh, that's not the topic. The topic is, I'm never pranking anyone. Ever.

Mafia Queen Ananya takes this oath in front of everyone that she will never prank someone. Atleast not on call.

Because you don't know how it feels when the guy, whom you prank called thinking of a simp friend, was actually not him. And also how he magically appeared again to prove that his eyes are not blue.

God damn, all these embarrassing things are performed by me in front of this only well sculptureeld man? Why? I need answers, it's high time now.

The guy, who also supposedly is my new neighbour, or I'm his new neighbour, whatever suits the more. Which means I can meet him anytime and the button of embarrassments inside me will switch on by itself?

Or more like the button of arguments?

Or both of them? They'll take chances to switch on, two times arguments the next two are embarrassments and then it continues?

I did not sign up for this, God.

" Can you guys shut up? " Vivian's voice boomed again.

The guy is so frustrated, I swear. He had to repeat this the third time when no one let him speak.

I actioned like I just zipped my lips and threw the key, and then showed him a thumbs up with a reassuring smile.

As soon as he noticed it, he said " Not you, Ananya, Not you. You can speak, your voice is good to hear the either way " My brother glared at him so hard at this statement.

I looked at him amused and nodded. As he wishes. I don't want to mess with irritated Vivian. Even his brother looks scared of him now.

I picked up the key and unzipped my lips and then showed him a thumbs up again.

What I later noticed was four pair of eyes on me, one was looking with aw, one with whatever, one with gosh, and the other still in disbelief. And what I should specify is the last pair of eyes belonged to the Mr My eyes are not blue.

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