chapter 3

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After the little one was filled he got up pacing around while gently rubbing his back, as he kept walking around he eventually met into the large mirror to see his own reflection, long golden blond hair that looks so shiny. His eyelashes were long and blond forming a small shelter over his beautiful aqua blue eyes. His lips were cherry red and plum so tempting he could kiss them.

Again, Enrique was reminded of the illustration from the trashy TL Novel, in general the novel plot was not bad if the roles had changed up a bit. 

Based on the characterization of the illustration this person's name was Ishley Emmet siegel the male mother of the villain of the trashy TL Novel. 

Based on the illustration Ishley was not a good father or mother whatever his role was, ishley was that parent who was not only neglectful but also gave empty promises and just got rid of the villain he even added unnecessary things to his schedule just for him to stay away. 

Everything he remembers is based on the illustrations and because it's illustrated it has no dialog and you would have to guess it, though the novel has a bad reputation the novel however was popular because of the interesting storyline the illustrations offer on the background of the three main characters. 

Knowing the future of his beloved baby that he spent hours trying to force out of him, no way his hard labour would go through such things, Never!!

So Enrique has made up his mind, he shall create a healthy family friendly environment for his baby! He looks at his baby squished face. 

"Don't worry my little Leslie I'll give you a grand life with happy memories" 

So first things first this son of a bitch father who hasn't popped up to meet his baby, his king and yet the deadbeat hasn't shown his ugly mug!

Enrique's tummy growls, he then frowns but before he crew the deadbeat out he will need to fill his empty stomach. He began searching the room until he found an inconspicuous bell on the table by the bed, on unknown instincts he rang it but there was no sound. 

"Eh? Is this a prank? What kind of bell doesn't ring? Is it broken" 

He put the bell back down when he heard a knock, "your majesty, you called?" 

Enrique turns, he then looks at the bell. Was this a magical bell? Right he was in a fantasy.

He turned to the lady awkwardly, "um, c—"


Enrique's face flushes with embarrassment, how could his stomach do him like this?! 

The maid bows, "his majesty's meal will be arriving soon, if there is anything else your majesty needs" 

Enrique shows the baby, "um bath I need to bathe" he said awkwardly.

"I shall prepare his majesty's bath, will that be all?" 


The maid bows, turning to walk outside, Enrique looks at his baby with soft eyes, he kisses the red cheek of his lovely baby. 

Soon the maid came with a tray filled with food, his tummy growls at the delicious smell so he places the baby down for a moment as the maid shoves the tray in front of him. The moment he picks up the fork to cut the tender cooked meat, he hears a loud sobbing. 

"Ah! Little one! What's wrong?" He said to place down the fork and pick up the baby.

He smiles, hushing the soft sweet thing, who soon calms down. Seeing that the baby was calm he is ready to place back down once more only to be met with more crying from the little critter. 

Enrique's heart softens when the little one doesn't want to leave his arms, and so he places the baby in one arm trying to eat with one hand. He looks at the maid on stand by then calls her with one finger, "could you cut these for me please?" 

The maid nods, taking the knife and fork cutting the meat as Enrique hushes his little baby. 

"Your meal has been cut, your majesty" 

Enrique smiles happily, "thank you".

The maid felt strange watching the queen, the queen was a cold person who did not smile much. For most of his time he reads books and drinks tea or fulfils his duties as queen. 

Seeing the queen with the young prince hushing and smiling at him allows the maid to see his highness in a new light. 

She remembers during the queen's pregnancy it was rare for him to be even remotely happy, he was always in this tense mood, and what made his mood evermore so awful was when it is discovered that the king had to leave and even though he never said anything the maids all knew that the king's pheromones had a calming effect on the queen. 

Enrique took the fork and with one hand tried to eat dinner, though he was still a bit terrified of the situation. There is a big plus side to it, his baby. 

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