chapter 31

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The next day Enrique sits outside in the garden on a blanket, Leslie was on his belly playing with his toys and making baby noises. The queen Dowager looks over from a distance then looks at her the maids who look at her encouragingly, she grits her teeth then slowly walks over.

"Queen Ishley, I greet you" the Queen Dowager said politely 

Enrique pauses then looks up, he smiles politely despite the bitter taste in his mouth. "I greet you, mother" 

'Mother?!' The queen Dowager thought.

"I-I ehem! I'd like to spend time with you and the young prince" she asks awkwardly.

Enrique taps beside him for her to sit, Enrique doesn't hate her if she can behave a bit civil then he doesn't mind after if she becomes a doting grandmother it would be a bonus! 

Enrique gently turns towards Leslie and picks him up slowly then offers him to the queen Dowager. At first she was very confused when Enrique handed over his baby without a hitch but then she became nervous when faced with the small child in her lap. 

Leslie's eyes began to tremble then he immediately started wailing upon seeing.

"What am I doing wrong?! What am I?!" She panicked.

Enrique cheek puffs, it was a funny sight to behold. "You must smooth him, also try not to have such stern look on your face" 

"Stern? My face is stern?" 

She touches the side of her cheek for a second but then looks back at the baby that was still crying. She then tries to force a smile on her face only for the baby to become even more scared.


"Let me take him" 

Enrique smiles, taking the baby then begins to pull his shirt, the queen Dowager glares at the people around who immediately look away. 

'How lovely the sky looks today' 

"Ehem, you know you shouldn't do that in public… it's not very appropriate" she said calmly.

"I'm feeding a baby, not undressing. Plus it's only flesh, there is no difference from the ones everyone got" Enrique said.

"Wel– actually, you do have a point there" the queen thinks then was in awe. "It is actually just flesh!" She fist her palms.

"You know you shouldn't feel ashamed of breastfeeding your baby, I'm sure you weren't ashamed of breastfeeding Astolpho," Enrique said.

"I wouldn't know that" she smiles sadly, "I've never breastfeed him never even got the chance to even hold him as a baby," 

Enrique didn't say much after that interaction, there were so many questions he wanted to ask but didn't. Astolpho was late that evening, it seems his royal duties kept him back for some time. 

Enrique, who was tired of waiting, eventually fell asleep in bed. 

Enrique furrows his brows, he could smell the powerful scent of lavenders. Contrary to the usual smoothing effect it had on him, it now feels intense and hot he feels a strange heat building up inside him. 

He opens his eyes sitting up then swallows feeling his throat dries, he gets up and looks over in the crib where the baby was still sleeping he sighs seeing him there but froze when he heard a low huff. 

He could hear heavy breathing, so he immediately turned his head over to the shadows seeing a large dark figure with glowing golden eyes.

Enrique's mouth wide opens as no sound while his soul leaves his body.

Enrique, when regaining his composure, takes the light crystal beside the baby crib and shines it over to the figure. 

Enrique feels relief wash over him seeing Astolpho standing there looking at him. He sighs relaxingly.

"Are you trying to be a widower? You almost gave me a heart attack!" He scolds folding his arms.

He notices that Astolpho was wet, even though clothed. His white shirt, messy blond and pants. He is starting to feel a bit unsettled, not scared but seeing Astolpho silent, standing over there not moving makes him feel that something is amiss. 


Astolpho breathes slowly, "take the baby and leave… please" 

Enrique is even more confused, did he do something wrong? He doesn't understand. What's going on?!

Suddenly Enrique feels his legs go weak as the smell rises he had to grab on to the crib as he could barely find strength in them. 

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