chapter 17

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The next day bright and early Astolpho and Enrique get up, calling the maids in their bedroom to prepare themselves for the special day. 

Though the preparations took over four hours they finally got done, looking into the body mirror he can't help but feel overwhelmed by his beauty.

The usually straight golden blond hair was now wavy and curly making it look natural, looking in the mirror he holds his chin and can't help but think, "I look like a chick".

The usually straight golden blond hair was now wavy and curly making it look natural, looking in the mirror he holds his chin and can't help but think, "I look like a chick"

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With the long eyelashes that flutter over his aqua blue eyes, he could get lost in them and his pair of plum red lips. He could spend all day losing himself in his one reflection and still not be satisfied. Slightly turning to get a better view.

"Wow, I didn't realise but I'm packing a lot round there" 

Enrique looks at his now apparent round and firm peaches, even his waist has a little curve while it's not too obvious it's obvious enough to notice. Even though in his past life he was straight as a plain board now all his previous qualities are gone.

Turning again he leans in closer observing his face, "beautiful isn't he" 

Enrique was startled when Astolpho popped up behind him smiling, Enrique felt embarrassed he wanted to jump out the window and end his life there! Enrique feels embarrassed.

Astolpho smiles, resting the small crown around his head he then takes the back of his hand putting it near his lips then begins to speak. "May the Goddess Hysteria bless you with eternal youth and beauty, may you be healthy for years to come, may your reign be forever as you shower us with your wisdom, praise the mother Goddess Hysteria".

Astolpho then lays a gentle kiss on the back of his palms causing Enrique to blush. Astolpho smiles, turning him back to the mirror.

Enrique can't help but think he looks rich, his clothes had literal real gold and diamonds, not to mention pearls

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Enrique can't help but think he looks rich, his clothes had literal real gold and diamonds, not to mention pearls. And the white texture looks gorgeous. Seeing Astolpho behind him he can't help but wanting to faint such beauty will blind him! He hurriedly looks away.

 Seeing Astolpho behind him he can't help but wanting to faint such beauty will blind him! He hurriedly looks away

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"We should get going!" 

Astolpho nods then gently takes his arms, "Shall we go now?" 

Enrique smiles while walking with him outside the meeting in the throne room. They take their baby from the nanny, then head for the exit to the carriage.

Enrique smiles as he looks at his baby who is clenching his pinky tightly as his beautiful aqua eyes stare at his mom.

Astolpho smiles looking at Enrique with a pleasing expression.

Enrique looks up through the window. The carriage was a long drive and for the most part they were seeing pretty trees and lovely surroundings.

"When he is a little bigger we should take him out, like parks and fun places" Enrique suggests.

"I am very sceptical of doing such things nor will I discuss it on a carriage in an open area" Astolpho said.

"Huh?"  Enrique said, 

Astolpho rested his hand on his knees, "when we are home and alone it will be more appropriate" he said casually.

Enrique is confused but seeing that Astolpho isn't completely right rejecting the idea then maybe they can discuss it later. 

The carriage ride had taken about an hour and half to finally reach the church in the capital city of Orentina.

Orientina was a big and crowded place, yet very beautiful. Enrique could tell that people love their ruler very much because as soon as they see the carriage drives by they all clap, cheer and bow at it, he looks at Astolpho looking at them through the window.

"Aren't you beloved by your people" Enrique gestures 

Astolpho looks at him, "is it not our people my Queen" he corrects 

Enrique went quiet, he is not the original so it's completely different for him. Seeing that the Queen went quiet Astolpho sighs.

"We are almost there, it seems he is already sleeping" 

"Well he only has three duties to fulfil, eat poop and sleep" Enrique chuckles.

Astolpho chuckles, "let's not forget, giving us a hard time" 

"But it is joyous" Enrique smiles

"I can wholeheartedly agree to that" 

Reaching into the lands of the holy place until it reaches the entrance. The footman opens the door for the royal family as Astolpho allows Enrique to exit then follows behind. 



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