chapter 43

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Entering the carriage with Queen Dowager Enrique smiles, he'll be Entering city to the theatre soon. 

Once again looking through the vast and beautiful city Enrique can't help but be blown away and mesmerised by this place.  There was magic, the smell of food in the air as well as…

"A-Animal people?!" 

The queen looks at him confused but then clears his throat remembering the details of the novel. "S-sorry" 

In the book, the Odessian Dynasty is a place of magic and there were many different races and groups. There are creatures with features of animals called demi-humans, elves, and dwarves, there were also fairies too. Enrique couldn't help but watch the people outside, he could see a baker by his shop and a 5 inch tiny person with butterfly wings. No pixie dust, very disappointing. He must also say the wings aren't like in Tinkerbell; they are actually butterfly wings. 

The city looks harmonious, he must say and the people seem content where they are, his eyes glimpse at the Queen Dowager who is equally looking outside, unlike he was excited like a kid in the theme park she looks rather bleak and empty…

"He's really done well hasn't he?" She mumbles undertone before smiling softly.

Enrique was confused at first but smiled, not long after they stopped by a very tall and large white building. The footman opens the door as the royal members exit the carriage as their escort knight joins them entering.

Enrique looks around its interior as baby Leslie sucks his fist and drools all over himself, the queen Dowager hid half her face behind the hand fan. 

After checking with the lady at the front desk a server escorts them to the practice room. Where they were offered a chair and beverage, the performers and actors all walked on stage to rehearse what they came up with and the song. 

The performance was almost perfect as everyone looked as if they knew what they were doing, in fact Enrique was actually impressed by the smoothness of everyone. He can't wait until he actually sees the l8ve performance.

"Hmm, it seems well enough," the queen Dowager said.

Enrique looks at her, "why did you agree to this song anyway?–" 

"Because I want that walking cesspool to feel ashamed," the queen Dowager grits her teeth. 

Enrique's eyes went blank with an empty smile, if only these people swear. 


After watching all the performances it was time to leave, but on the way to the exit Enrique stops at the entrance. 

"Why not, go buy something?" 


"Like something pastries jewellery, who knows you can give Astolpho something!" Enrique offers.

The Queen Dowager looks aside shaking her, Enrique and the Queen Dowager then proceed to shop around a bit until it is time to take a break and both sit down out in the open. The Queen Dowager smiles looking up seeing the sun was ready to go down, she smiles happily.

"It's been years since I've went on a date like this" 

Enrique looks at her,"hm?" 

"Well, it was during my younger days with Astolpho's father. We used to sneak out and go on dates together spending magical moments together, we were inseparable" spoke softly.

"Time changes and so do people," Enrique said.

"Yes, of course" 

Both sit there in silence for a moment until Enrique feels something piercing the back of his head. In honesty he felt this for a while but now it's apparent that he is indeed being watched. He looks behind him to see someone from a distance wearing a cloak while covering their head, the person raises their head shifting the view then locks eyes with Enrique.

Enrique's vision remains on the person whose eyes held dept, sorrows and lost, helplessness and betrayal. The colour was similar to his son but a duller in comparison the person's eyes then fell upon his child, feeling threatened Enrique pulled his baby closer getting up confusing the queen Dowager. 


Enrique looks at her, then back at the person to see that they were gone. 


Enrique looks at his baby then smiles, forgetting about what just happened.

Hehe I like this Astolpho sure is lucky.

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