chapter 45

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Astolpho stops for a moment, but then continues he leans to Enrique's ear then gently whispers. "How about we continue this discussion privately?" He asks politely.

Enrique nods as they continue their walk Zerin feels extremely excited, "will my mate and I be like that?" 

"With his highness's personality I highly doubt that, haha" Alphonso jokes.

Zerin rolls his eyes then looks at the king and queen in front of him, he heard that they recently had a baby too. With both their looks their baby must be heavenly! 

Zerin rushes up Enrique before Alphonso has time to stop him!

"Your majesty, hello!" 

Enrique was startled for a moment but smiles, he looks at the teenager with a polite smile.

"Prince Zerin!" Alphonso said in an almost shouting voice.

Enrique looks back at the older teen, around 18-19? He seems like a gentle spirit in contrast to the vibrant and wild spirit of this 16-17 year old.

"Calm down Alpie, I won't do anything inappropriate!" 

"Your highness you already are…" he almost groans 

"Don't worry, he is only a curious child" Enrique reassures them.

"See!" Zerin cheers. 

Enrique has been reading a bit about this kingdom, and he was confused. It's stated in the tradition that it's mandatory for the royal couple to be marked. But Ishley was not marked by Astolpho. How was it acceptable? 

"Your majesty is really beautiful!" 

Enrique smiles, "and so is his highness" 

Enrique likes the colour of his hair, the beautiful red it was a colour he never seen on someone, and the same can be said for silver hair.

"Yep! I'm very beautiful as well!" He boasts. 

Enrique chuckles at the teenager as they all walk to the garden to accommodate the guests, it seems Zerin had taken a great liking to the queen. Asking questions and staring at him every chance he got and Enrique was very endulgent until it had gotten late and they had to retire, having the maids escort the guests it was only Astolpho, Cerillio and Enrique. 

"Cerillio, there will be a welcoming banquet tomorrow. You will be attending" Astolpho said.

Enrique feels uneasy, though Astolpho is smiling. There is something eerie about it  and it didn't help with the numbing look in his eyes.

"Yes, but Astolpho. I'm being truthful, I didn't do that to any omega. I'm being framed." 

"I understand, but if I'm correct you were there, right?" Astolpho asks sternly.

Cerillio, soon closes his lips in silence. Astolpho sighs, "hmp, I thought so" 

Cerillio bites his bottom lip hard, "Listen I know what you think but I swore I-" 

"You're gonna swear that you never touched any omega that night?" Astolpho attacks with his words again.

Enrique could feel the pressure, it made him weak, very weak as if there was no energy in his body. Cerillio is sweating from all the force he's receiving. It felt the crushing weight of his brother on him, it was even harder to breathe.

"I… I" 


Astolpho snaps out of it as soon as he hears Enrique, who looks at him. "Ah, I'm sorry Queen," 

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