chapter 23

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Enrique smiles at his baby who is in the crib hugging one of his toys, the mini him that Astolpho had made for Leslie. Thinking about it he decided to visit him and check upon him after all the two agreed upon being partners after all. 

Astolpho was in the office with the Queen Dowager. 

"You know the consequences of what might happen if that child should grow up without his destined partner, have you lost your mind!" She yells.

"Nothing will happen, it's not like I'll deny him of such I'm just postponin–" 

"Are you crazy?! Was your father not a good example of what will happen?! Fighting destiny will only lead to disruption and disorder!" She stomps her foot.

Astolpho rolls his eyes, "as I've said, what am I supposed to do? marry off my child?!" He ask roughly 

"Eventually they will! That's what it means to be Raynier—" 


The queen was speechless, "what on Ganesha has happened to you? Breaking tradition now yelling at me?! How impuden–" 

"Mother, I know what could happen but I want my son to be able to come to terms with it, father and I were never given that opportunity that was why it came to this" Astolpho tries to emphasise.

"So you agree with him? You think I deserve all that?!" 

"No, I've never said–" 

"Your father went mad! Trying to deny himself of his true feelings and look at how it ended! Stop trying to break the true path that was set for all of you Astolpho, now clear your schedule and tomorrow we shal–" 


The two turn their attention to the door to see Enrique entering with tray and snacks, Enrique pauses seeing a gorgeous woman who looks like a genderbent version of Astolpho. Enrique wonders if it was his sister.

"Queen, you're here" Astolpho clears his throat.

Enrique smiles, "I've brought tea and some snacks but I didn't realise you had guest" 

"Yes, 'mother' and I were just discussing something" 

'That's his mother? Crazy!' 

"Then shall I excu–" 



"Mother Nothing! You. how can you be so relaxed?" She said with a pointy finger at him.

Enrique  was confused, "I don't know…" he answers looking at Astolpho.

Astolpho sighs walking in between his mother and Enrique, he folded her fingers back. "Mother no need to argue with Queen he has done nothing wrong, this was mine decision" 

"Obviously, he was in this too if he allowed you to walk through those church doors without our babies destined one!" 

"Destined one?" Enrique looks at Astolpho.

"Mother you need to calm down, the kingdom isn't fall–" 

"Do not insist I calm down! I will not calm until my grand-in-law is found within the castle this instant!" 

Enrique glares at Astolpho, "well if you excuse me mother I'd like to have a discussion with Queen" 

"You better, I'll go see my grandchild" she said exiting the room.

"He's sleeping" 

"I will not wake him," she said coldly then left.

"What is she talking about? And don't say nothing?! Cause no way her reaction would be like that at nothing!" Enrique said.

"Well, it actually would but it's best to talk this over. You see on the day of our son's blessing we were supposed do one more ceremony" Astolpho adds

"Ceremony? What type" 

"Finding his destined partner Ceremony and I object to it" 

Enrique was confused but at the same time not, "they would marry off my baby are you people crazy?" 

"No, it's just that because of previous predecessors we are antsy about traditions, specifically my mother," Astolpho said.

"Are you saying we should agree to having our kid marry at not even one year old!" Enrique said ready to shout.

"Queen, let's remain civil. And no precisely why I object to the ceremony but in the end the ceremony must happen" 

"What do you mean, must?! Can't he just pick his own partner?" Enrique asks.

"No, we can't. We cannot mark who are not our destined partners and once in contact with them it's hard to live without them. It affects us mentally and physically as well" Astolpho frowns.

Enrique's expression grew heavy, it means if his son is really destined to marry the original male lead he can't do a thing about it. But Enrique tries to remain optimistic, "once in contact right! That means–" 

"They will meet some how, it's the will of the Goddess Hysteria—" 

"Your Goddess is a joke! You mean to tell me my child will have no options in choosing who he dates or he will die!! That's unfair!" 

The room went silent, the air felt as if someone died. "Then why didn't you go on with the Ceremony then" 

"So our child will be given time… time to accept the reality and time to know who he is,  many of us were not given that opportunity" Astolpho explains.

"Then when are you planning to have the ceremony" 

"On his 13th birthday, around the time his first heat cycle will happen" 

Enrique looks at him. He's been hearing about this heat cycle but he doesn't know, "what is a heat cycle?" He held his mouth as it slipped.

Astolpho looks at him in awe for a moment but then softens, "do you know what heat is?" 

"Uh, um, I have amnesia" 

"What kind of amnesia erases the logic existing in this world, but if that's the excuse you're gonna use to hide the fact that you are not indeed Ishley Emmet siegel then it works" Astolpho said, easing back on the table.

Enrique froze, "wait… you knew?!" 

"I've known Ishley for 24 years, you think I wouldn't at least be a bit paranoid at the fact his personality took a complete 180?" Astolpho said.

"If you knew, then aren't you curious about what happened to him?" 

"I am, but it seems like you don't know either. You barely know what is going on" Astolpho said.

Enrique feels weird, it was now he felt like got a bit into realising how scary this man can be. He could have completely manipulated him.

"Wait, so what now?" 

"During your first heat, I'd like to mark you?" Astolpho asks.


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