chapter 42

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The Queen Dowager looks at Enrique who is feeding his son in silence, as Astolpho looks at him like an abandoned puppy. 


Enrique didn't budge as he looked at their son who was smiling and slapping the table.


"Ishley, is there a problem? Has my son done something wrong?" The queen Dowager inquires.


Enrique glares at Astolpho, "he without information from me and took advantage of my ignorance!" 

"Astolpho, is that true?" She asks 

"Mother, it wasn't intentional," Astolpho said. 

"Well, it's best if you make it up to him. Sincerely" she advises. She then looks at Enrique, "and Ishley darling please don't make it too hard on him, though you're entitled to your feelings so don't make it easy either" she smiles.

"Mother whose side are you on?" 

"On the side that benefits me, son." She chuckles.

Astolpho chuckles, "Ah, right. I best be going I should be welcoming our envoy and guests" 

Astolpho gets up from the chair then sneaks up behind Enrique hugging him, Enrique only rolls his eyes and continues to feed his beloved child who doesn't deliver him. 

"Queen, my dearest I'm sorry, I wish I could spend more time pleading for your forgiveness but I have work" 

"Well, go work and get lost!" Enrique puffs 

Astolpho smiles and kisses his cheek, Enrique quickly turns glaring at him. But slips back, giving a seductive smile and he slips to the door but upon seeing him leave Leslie puffs as he begins to tear up.

"Ah, right your kisses" 

Astolpho walks back up and is very afraid of what his spouse might do, but his baby needs his goodbye kisses. Picking up the young prince Astolpho kisses his rosy cheek as the baby mimics him. 

"I love you Astel" 


Putting him back he swallows then quickly leaves with a last "I love you" 

The Queen Dowager smiles, she ships the tea then puts it back down looking at her reflection in the ripples. She feels content with her life. 

"Ishley, thank you" 

Enrique turns to her confused, "hm?" 

"For some reason recently I'm finding myself coming to terms with a lot of things. Thanks to you I can feel relaxed and be myself around my son. I love that you make him smile, something I'm ashamed to admit but I can't do, I barely even know him but recently over these few months I've been able to bond with him, something I failed at for the last 13 years". 

Enrique looks at his baby, then walks over to her with him she looks at Enrique confused. Enrique nods as she fixes her arms accepting the baby. 

"Well, it has to start somewhere Astolpho loves Leslie a lot. So… bonding with his child as you bond with your child" Enrique said

The Queen looks at the baby, she then kisses the forehead of the child. "Your a blessed child, Astello" 

Leslie touches her face smiling then looks for his mother and stretches for him. "Dadadada" 

"Of course, hehe well your majesty" 

Enrique takes Leslie kissing his fat cheek as he smiles. 

"Oh yes, we should get going to see how the practice goes." She said

"Right! But before that let's clean him up first such messy cheeks and hands" 

"Of course" the Queen Dowager smiles at him.


"What? Why now?" Astolpho asks, 

"Well it's nature, you know…" Charmin said 

"I know, didn't you take the suppressants?" 

"Your majesty, the suppressants can only do so much yet so little" Charmin shrugs.

Astolpho sighs, he looks at Charmin. "So I'm gonna have to host the guest while doing all this alone?" He asks.

"Well, you could have his majesty Ishley" Charmin asks.

"No, that's not an option. This would require him to spend a whole lot less time with our son and he will not allow that I'm already busy as it is," Astolpho sighs.

"Then his majesty's brother?" Charmin asks, fixing his glasses.

Astolpho looks at him, coldly. Charmin sighs. 

"I know lord Heden-hi's reputation is a bit faulty" 

"It's a rape rumor, the last thing I want is prosecute my own brother. I've worked hard to maintain this kingdom and lessen the mistreatment of omegas. The last thing I want is my own brother being a bad example" Astolpho said coldly.

"I know, but you have to think. Is the lord Heden-hi like that?" 

"I don't know him these last months, I don't even know what's going on with him," Astolpho said. 

"I think you should look into this rumour, the longer it spreads the more damaging it is." 

"Why should I clean up his mess?" Astolpho asks.

"Well, you don't. But you need him now" 

"Can't you just visit a brothel or something?" Astolpho stares. 

"Your majesty my days of scummary has long since ended," Charmin said deadpan.

Astolpho rolls his eyes, as Charmin smiles exiting the room. Even if he thinks of going there he can't after all, recently he can't stand the smell of other pheromones. 


Guess who they are?

Astolpho and Cerillio as kids

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Astolpho and Cerillio as kids

Astolpho and Cerillio as kids

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