chapter 16

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Later around bedtime, Enrique returns to the master bedroom with their son, he puts him on the bed where the king walks from the library corner then sits next to them.


The king looks at him, this was the first time he heard his name being called from the queen's mouth and he must say he likes it, "Ishley" the king smiles.

'That's not my name but it still sounds nice coming from your mouth' 



"Astello Leslie Raynier, that's our son's name" 

"How nice, our child Astello" Astolpho gently brushes the crown of the baby.

Enrique smiles as he kisses his baby who smiles snuggling. "Aww too cute" 

Astolpho smiles as he stretches hands across hugging the two, later that night at the baby crying he gets up ready but when he sees that Enrique was getting up as well he was confused.

"It's my night," Enrique smiles. 

Astolpho was confused but he watches as Enrique gently picks up the crying while trying to hush him. He walks over to the bottle then turns to Astolpho "can you come heat the water?"  Enrique asks 

Astolpho smiles getting up and walks over heating the water, with Enrique instructions he stops then starts making the formula.

"Stop, too much, he'll have a hard time pooping if you make it so thick" he advised.

Astolpho read about that, he tested the back of his skin to find the right temperature. He reads that the baby's body temperature was different and it's something that needs to be careful with.

It's no wonder he failed so terribly yesterday. 

He gives Enrique the bottle and passes a chair allowing the mother to sit, he goes to look for the baby toy then walks over to the baby shaking the bear and moving it. The baby fingers folds in and out as he sucks on the bottle while staring at the bear. 

Astolpho smiles and finds it funny how his cheeks just moved so vibrantly.

He finds his shiny aqua eyes beautiful, yet so innocent it's times like these Astolpho where the baby was born in a simple family where his only worries are being healthy and being happy. No running a kingdom, no schemes, no fighting or assassination attempts, just simple struggles. 

Looking at his wife, he kisses him on the temple, startling him. Enrique looks at him. 

"Why do you kiss me?" 

"Am I not allowed to?" Astolpho asks, confused.

"It's not that, but didn't we hate each other? It just feels weird" Enrique said, looking at the baby.

"Well it feels more natural now than before if I'm being honest," Astolpho said.

Enrique looks confused. "I don't understand" 

"Before we were always told we were destined for each other and were forced to be with each other. Back then I didn't feel anything towards you no love no bond no nothing despite me marking you. But now it feels different, natural somehow maybe it's because of the influence of our child?" Astolpho seems genuinely confused but he was not bothered.

'Or maybe because I'm transmigrated' 

Enrique doesn't know this destined mate thing or mark he barely knows anything even about these alpha, beta and omega. Everything here just feels all surreal like reading a made up story of an amateur writer.

Astolpho chuckles, "don't look so worried, I'm sure it's finally time for us to start developing some type of feelings towards each other" he said.

Enrique bit his lips wanting to differ, this man has no idea that 'his' Queen is gone and a new person is here a stranger. But not wanting to be accused of being a demon he lets it go.

After burping the baby he hushs him to sleep then goes on the bed to sleep himself. Astolpho smiles at the two lovely figures before going to rest himself and naturally an hour or so later it was the crying child who picks up the baby then uses his one hand to let his queen rest without waking as he went and changed his baby diapers.

"Now that's a good husband," Enrique mutters in his sleep.

Astolpho chuckles gently as the baby observes his expression, Astolpho smiles at the little watchful eyes. "Your mother is very funny you know" 

The baby smiles as if he understood what Astolpho said then raises his hand swaying as if he couldn't control it.

Astolpho picks him up, carrying him to a chair next to the bookshelf where he takes out a children's book ready to read. 

"Once upon time……."


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