chapter 28

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Enrique blushes, "wha–what?!" 

"Lower your voice, you don't want to wake the baby" Astolpho husky whispers.

Enrique grips his shirt, face red with extreme emotions. He understands that yeah they're gonna have to do it at some point but he was not mentally prepared for this horny attack! His face is so close and the refreshing smell of lavender is almost intoxicating. He should be panicking but he is somehow able to think.

"What do you mean?" Enrique whispers.

"You know what I mean, I won't put it in, I just want to use your body for a while" he smiles.


Enrique looks up then side then the other side then at him. "Fine, but make it quick!" 

Astolpho leans in and kisses him, Enrique could feel his hot tongue in his mouth as Astolpho holds his thigh. It feels weird but he must admit Astolpho was a good kisser, he feels something weird and warm. 

He opens his eyes to see Astolpho's eyes glowing, as it looks at him he moans as he feels Astolpho rubbing against his member.

He clenches on to him, when he moves from his lips to his neck sucking and nibbling on it. 


Enrique's eyes water and his breath huffs and puffs as he feels the heat in his stomach, this feels so weird yet good. He squeezes on to Astolpho fabric as Astolpho squeezes his thigh and rubs his member across his while leaving love and bite marks all over his neck.

Soon he couldn't hold any longer and cum and a while later Astolpho grits his teeth and cum as well. Enrique huffs as Astolpho looks at him under him, he could see his mark printed all over his body so gave a bone chilling smirk as he was ready to go for another round.


Astolpho was soon snapped back to the reality there was. "Right, Astello" 

Enrique feels embarrassed he looks down at his clothes that were stained with cum, to get rid of the embarrassment he rolls under his arm escaping the position they were in.

"I'll tend to him," Enrique said, avoiding eye contact.

"I'll clean up then you take your turn" Astolpho said, heading to their bathroom.

Enrique looks at the baby face still flustered. 

"I can't believe I dry hump your dad" he looks at the baby who was now sucking his breast.

Later in the night, Enrique widened his eyes, he felt very conscious. He dried hump with Astolpho, and it felt really good… 

Right now he was on the other side of the bed sleeping, it may not be a big to him but it certainly was for him! You can't just dry hump with another man and pretend nothing is wrong.

Enrique never expected it to feel good, worse he's been thinking… STOP THINKING!!!

Enrique looks at the sleeping male and quietly pouts, he then quietly itches beside leaving no space between them. He really likes the smell he releases.

Could this be his 'pheromones'? He doesn't know, but it puts his mind at ease though and he likes it very much. He looks at the male sleeping comfortably beside, he's really too beautiful for words, especially when he sleeps.

He was startled when the male suddenly turned to hug him at the waist and muttered something as he kissed his forehead, his arms were wrapped nicely around him relaxly when the baby began to cry. 

Astolpho fixes himself then eases up relaxly, he slowly looks at Enrique who was blushing. Then gets up, "sleep" he orders gently.

He got off the bed and went to the crib, "a diaper change or irritation?" Astolpho asks the upset baby checking his diapers.

Astolpho smell the poop then went to carry him to the other side taking out new diapers, he looks down at the baby that was eating his fist while looking at him.

"You owe your mother and I many nights of sleep, you know that?" 

"ABU!!" The baby smiles.

"Abu to you too" 

Leslie begins to turn his upper body looking for Enrique, Astolpho gently disposes of the dirty diapers within the bin. 


Leslie then flips his upper body backwards and on reflex Astolpho catches him, his previous droopy mood immediately becoming alert. He looks at his son who was smiling and looking in the direction of Enrique, Astolpho swallows that almost gave him a heart attack.

"Bubububu kya!" 

Astolpho holds him closer to his chest, he feels relieved that his child was okay. He looked at the baby who was repeating the same action then realised he was looking for his mother, he sighed. He then went to sit near the window.

"Your mother is sleeping now, let him rest you will have him all to yourself tomorrow" Astolpho said.

Leslie's lips soon tremble as his eyes swell with tears. "WAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" 

Astolpho's ears felt like it was bleeding, he wanted to sleep. 

"Okay, okay, shush, shush, now" Astolpho gently sooths. 

He then thinks about the songs that Enrique sings then begins to hum gently to the rhythm. 

Leslie looks at his father's face that was gently smoothing him and his cries slowly quiets down to small sobs and sniffles. 

He smiles then puts his nose on Leslie's nose and rubs them together, the baby smiles and laughs and Astolpho too laughs.


All I need is a tinsy bit of tragedy

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