chapter 9

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"Your majesty?" Uther said, confused.

Enrique grabbed him, "you didn't tell me he was breathtakingly beautiful! His lips look more kissable than a chick's!" 

"Woa— what?" 

Enrique started to shake him, "I'm going into seclusion… I shall not be visited goodbye" 

"Wha— what?! Your majes—" 

Enrique was already running for his life, the chamberlain eyes went blank. "His majesty gotten strange" 

Enrique went into the room and took his baby from the maids he sat on the bed to observe his baby. "Your dad is such a gorgeous species, why didn't you tell me?" 

He teases the baby, the baby looks at him confused but soon gets distracted by his long blond hair and tries to stretch for it. 

Enrique thinks he is gonna be co-parenting with that man but he's so bright his eyes burn. 

Enrique inhales that is not the point! He looks at his baby. The point is to create a proper environment and example for his little boy who will grow up to be a victim of bad people and will be diagnosed with lack of self love deficiency. 

So in order to grow him well and beloved he needs to create a healthy and positive background as well as surroundings. It means putting up with that man. But what if he goes blind in the process.

He just realised this whole place having him question things about himself, since when he was into dudes!

He went and threw the bed to lay down with the baby next to him watching his precious who was eating his fist. He found his baby to be the cutest in the whole kissing his cheek. 

What the heck! For this baby he would chop an arm off, "hehe, don't worry I'll do it for you I'll do anything" 

And so Enrique decided to wait until this king came and then he would confront him!

That wait lasted from an hour to a night, from a night to a day, from a day to two days, from two days to four, from four…

"IT'S BEEN A WEEK!!" Enrique yelled at Uther.

Uther icked when a droplet of Enrique's spit spilled in the tea. He put it aside then took up some snacks to eat, he took a small bite into the powder puff cake.

"Well, your majesty and his majesty are said to be in a strained relationship…" 

"Hello! His kid!! Be angry or be a dickward all he wants at least cherish your KID!!" Enrique yelled.

"Your majesty, Queen Ishley Reynier language" 

Usually Uther wouldn't be so casual speaking with Enrique, but ever since the loss of memories he and the queen have grown quite close. Uther takes another bite into the delicious cake happily he doesn't want to leave this place, he wants to become an imperial physician that serves the queen. 

Fixing the rim of his glasses he continues, "well, you could grant an audience" 

"With my own husband?! Bullshit!!" 

Uther covers his cake so if Enrique spits spill, it would not be on his cake.

"Your majesty, language. well I believe you have a goal in mind? If so, is it not best to set your pride aside for a moment?" 

"Pride! I'm prideful. for expecting a proper husband and father from this seed donor!!" Enrique shouts.

"I'm drowning," Uther said apathetically, He then took off his glasses to clean it.

It was expected for the queen to be defensive about pride; he was a dominant omega after all, he sighed. "Think about his highness, your majesty, are you not trying to create a lovely environment for the prince?" 

Uther puts his glasses back on, Enrique thinks for a moment, that is true. And so he gave in, "I'll go visit him, now!" He said

They are married, granted the audience that's no talk for a married couple, Uther nods relieved that he can now finally eat in peace. 

Enrique stomps out the room, heading towards the king's office and he must say, it was a long walk! His legs are tired. 

Finally at the office door he slams it open, to see the radiant male behind the desk face down writing. 

"Have you ever heard the term knocking?" he said casually.

Enrique wonders if this person is used to this he barely sees the phrase, "why haven't you come visit" he asks.

"You wanted me to visit, and here I was thinking you couldn't stand the sight of me" 

Enrique didn't know what to say as he watched as the king switched paper, handing the one he marked to the chamberlain. 

"I want to thank you for aid you provided for Duke Britley I'll take it from here," he said

"It's particularly my job as well ain't it? But I'm not here about that" 

"Oh what could the great Ishley Emmet siegel be here about" he said, sarcastically.

Enrique puts his hands on his hips as he sighs rolling his eyes at this king's condescending tone, "I want you to go on a stroll with me and Leslie" he said.

The king didn't move his eyes from the papers as he continued his works, this was really starting to bug Enrique.

"If by Leslie, you mean the offspring of you and me. I must say I never peg you as the one to joke Queen Ishley," 

"I am not joking" Enrique rolls his eyes.

The king pause for a moment before saying, "chamberlain get the imperial physician as well as the pope, I don't think our queen is in the right state of mind" 

Finally lost his patience Enrique slammed the table, "Look me in the eyes Mother Fucker!!" 

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