chapter 11

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Walking outside with the baby in a stroller, Enrique smiles. The king was keeping his distance as they walk, Enrique wants to scold to come closer but because he knew how defensive men can be, he won't push it.

Enrique then paused, his wording terms even changing! 

The king looks around as he walks, his hands behind his back. 

"This garden is lovely," Enrique said, ready to strike up a conversation. 

"Is that so?" he said, looking around at the red rose bushes that create a path into a maze. "I don't think it's all that significant, my grandmother had a more radiant garden but it's no more" 

Enrique felt bad then said, "how sad" 

"No not really, she burned it down because my grandmother said just like birds and bees the garden will attract beauties. After being burned down my grandmother said what will this attract now? Flies?" 

Enrique wanted to laugh, it sounds like a petty couple. 

"They sound so interesting," 

"Well, they were the most interesting mates I've ever met," he said.

Enrique wasn't clear on this whole mate thing, Uther did say the king and the previous owner were the strangest he ever met. He said he never understood how two mates could seem to dislike each other.

"What about us? Are we not interesting" 

"No, actually we just don't like each other's presence," he said firmly.

"Yet we sleep sleep in the same bedroom" 

"Requirements for an offspring, as well as the issue with your pheromone disruption" 

Enrique wanted to ask what's that but he didn't, instead he didn't want to pry into bad things.

"Well, how about we be like a real couple, without those requirements" 

The king pauses, this was a strange notion to him. "Does it change anything?" He said

"It will set as a good example for our child," 

"He will be a king, I don't see our relationship affects" 

"It does, I want him to grow up knowing what love is and how to feel about it, Good Examples" Enrique lectures.

The king stomps his foot towards him, upset. Enrique had poke a spot. "Must I remind again that it was not only the plot of my father but yours as well? I've told you once and I'll tell you a hundred more I never wanted to mark you. You being my destined mate is a lie because I don't feel drawn to you and it's clearly the same feeling for you". 

Enrique was speechless, their relationship is more complicated that it seems. It seems this was a forceful marriage, "isn't that a better reason to work it out for our child? We never had a choice, isn't it better that he does?" 

The king pauses, it asks if he came to a realisation, he looks down before looking back down, with a genuine smile. "You're right, then let's make a brighter future for our child".

Enrique feels that the king agrees with him and doesn't have to wait a long while to come to an agreement.

"By the way, about his baptism?" Enrique said

"Yes, I've made preparations for the next two days," he said.

Enrique didn't expect it to be so quick but the sooner the better he doesn't want to have his baby kidnapped by gremlins! 

"Well that's good," he smiles.

The king nods as they continue on with their stroll. After their stroll they went back to their respective places until night time came.

The king who was next to the bookshelf reading, smiles a bit at the sound of the door opening.

"And here I was thinking we will be starting our agreement some other night" the king skips through the pages as he speaks.

"No, today will be our first day together as parents! So we should plan for taking turns" 

The king brows folds for a moment, not sure so he looks up and sees the queen with the baby and a large bag at his side. He drops the book gaping. 

"So, until he is baptised, he will be sleeping on the bed with us. Then after the baptism he will be sleeping in a crib" 

Enrique puts the bag drawer at the end of the bed, he rests the baby on the bed. The king looks at him walking up to him. "There is a nanny for this," he said.

"But we are the parents, it's our main duty, we can't stress the poor lady can we?" Enrique said enthusiastically.

"A– well, err" the king stretched his head raking for an idea that would be plausible but none. He had no choice but to sigh, "I guess it won't hurt" 

"God! We will take turns but for tonight I'll teach you" 

The king nods it couldn't be bad anyway can it? 













He was WRONG!! 


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