chapter 19

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Uther was sitting in his office reading some books when there was a knock on the door. He places the book on the table then gets up and goes to open it. 

"Yes?" He inquires

He looks up at the larger male with hands behind him who now looks down at him. "Good afternoon" 

"Good afternoon, do you need anything?" Uther fixes his glasses.

"Yes, please" Charmin answers politely

Uther moves aside to let him in, since he is now a royal doctor thanks to the queen he won't be needing to return to hospital. Which was convenient for him. 

The male walks over to the table and long chair with a paper bag and rests it on the table sitting in the long chair. Uther fixes his glasses walking over to the Alpha male then sits opposite to him facing him. "What seems to be the problem" 

"I've been having frequent headaches of lately and difficult sleeping despite being very tired" 

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"I've been having frequent headaches of lately and difficult sleeping despite being very tired" 

Uther nods, "I shall do an appraisal" 

"Wait!" Charmin utters.

Uther pauses looking at him confused.

"How about not using magic it's pointless, try testing me physically" 

Uther brows furrows, was this alpha trying to flirt with him? It's very inappropriate to ask such a question.

"I know I'm being inappropriate, but so far I've been healed six times and the headache still comes back. They said nothing is wrong with me but if you can help," Charmin said. "I've heard you're an eccentric who prefers to study the human body, I will allow it as long as you help me" Charmin offers, crossing his legs.

Uther looks at him, he thinks the offer is tempting but this is the king's secretary his speaking to if anything happens to him he could end up in deep trouble. 

"How about I heal you for today, and if the headache comes back I'll consider it" Uther said.

Charmin nods, Uther walks over, raising his palm as it glows a light green. 

"Is it better now?" 

Charmin nods slowly, he then takes up the paper bag and Uther looks at him confused. 

"What are you doing?" 

"I'm about to have lunch" Charmin answers 

"In my office?" Uther asks, confused.

"You don't mind? I often get disturbed during this time so I was thinking of hiding here for the time being" Charmin explains.

Uther didn't like alphas' being in his space; he has too much experience with their types to not be wary of his comfort zone. 

Charmin slowly takes out a large close dish as he opens the sweet aroma of lemon cake fills the air resulting in a tummy grumble from Uther. He looks away embarrassed.

"It seems, that I need to have lunch" 

"I don't mind sharing, I have enough for two," Charmin said.

Then Uther realised he did have enough for two but was this a plot to let his guard down so he can take advantage of him?

Seeing the scepticism on Uther's he dug the fork in both sides of the cake taking a bit of each piece."I know it must seem shady to you but I want you to know I have no such ulterior motives. I'm waiting for my mate" he smiles.

Uther was still sceptical but he went to the cupboard and took out a plate and tea set, "I'll make some tea" 

Charmin smiles politely, "would be nice"





Within the carriage, Enrique looks at Astolpho who has yet to say anything since leaving the church he wonders what was the pope going to say but he couldn't ask as there was this strange tension within the air. 

"Um, so…" 

Astolpho sighs a bit frustrated. "I'm sorry for my coldness Queen, I'm a bit tense at the moment" 

"I can see that, is there a problem?" Enrique asks.

"No not really, just about an old tradition… I think my family will be visiting in a few days. Please do not engage in conversation with them with my absent presence." He asked politely.

"Is there a problem?" Enrique asks.

"I'm just saying this, please trust me on this" Astolpho asked.

"You know, if we are going to be a couple, communication is best with vague conversations like this. It could lead to Assumptions, Miscommunication and Misunderstanding. I didn't sign up for a dog blood plot" Enrique said.

Astolpho raises a brow, "what?" 

"I'm saying you should tell me before it leads to major problems and misery on both sides" Enrique said.

Astolpho smiles, "Queen Ishley, you are so very interesting. It will be a topic we will have discuss in the future but for now" 

He places his hand on their child, "let's focus on making a happy environment for him. He is a baby now" Astolpho said.

Enrique nods, he looks at Astolpho's peach lips subconsciously licks his own. He can't help but wonder…

"Do you want to kiss me?" 


"Your eyes are always wandering off to my lips" Astolpho teases.

Enrique blushes embarrassed, "that's a lie," 

Astolpho leans in holding his chin gently moving his lips closer to Enrique's. "Don't worry I am your husband and what's mine is yours after all, I read that physical and intimate affection can makes a couples grow stronger don't you think it's only natural we tried" 

Enrique's heart was racing, their lips were only inches away from touching, he wasn't ready but then again they would have to eventually go further than this. But the lips of his curiosity!! 

Astolpho smirks, then pulls back, "I was just kidding," he jokes.

"You mother fucker!" Enrique curses. 

Astolpho was annoyed real quick, he gritted his teeth then retorted back. "You're the only mother who I ever fucked" 

Enrique was too stunned to speak. 


I love Astolpho lol
I love Enrique too
They're funny

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