chapter 40

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"Haa~ Astolpho" 


Astolpho covers his mouth as he holds his hips, thrusting inside while biting at his collar. Enrique moans and clench on to his back, he is trying his best to suffocate his moans but it feels really good so much so he licks Astolpho palms who looks up with his golden eyes. Enrique then holds both sides of his face smiling while sweating, he was handsome. 

"I love you" Enrique whispers.

Astolpho froze for a moment but smiles, "I live you Enrique, I adore you, my beloved mate" 

He takes his hand kissing his wrist. Enrique moans as his back hinges, tears of pleasure stain his cheeks and face red.

"Oh Mother Hysteria" Astolpho froze.

Enrique looks at him sweaty and confused, "what?" 

Astolpho's lips twitches.

"Well we are doom" the pessimistic king said.

"He's gonna kill us! Once his highness starts crying" the cowardly king said.

"Now, now, if we just–" 

"Just what?!" The king of anger kicks over the king of patience, "one's he finds out that we have to call a servant to the room, he'll feel embarrassed and you know what comes after his embarrassed?!" 

The angry king points at the screen with Enrique's worried face. 

"WE'RE DOOMED!!!!" The king of panic yells.

Soon all the members starts running around and shouting terrified, the cowardly king sat on the ground hugging his knees. The angry king started choking and shaking the panicking king for spreading panic around the room. 

Astolpho's mind was in chaos.

"Astolpho? Your starting to worry me" Enrique said.

Astolpho gulps as nervous sweat ran down his face.



Enrique turns his head he blushes, "I guess we must end it here" 

Enrique turns trying to move his lower part, but he hinges feeling an extreme pain when he tries to move. 

"Don't!" Astolpho said

"What?! Leslie is crying! Your thing is hurting" 

"We won't be able to part until the next couple of hours" 

Enrique looks at him, "What do you mean?" He asks as his heart beat quickens.

"We've… knotted" 













Uther and Duke Britley were walking down the streets, it was late and it's time to return. The date with Duke Britley was nice, looking at the smiling face of he can't help but think his features are nice. 

"Thank you your excellency" 

"No need, it was I who ask you out after all, it's just that! Wait here a moment" he smiles.

Uther was confused he looks at him, "huh?" 

"I'm going to get something, please wait here" 

Duke Britley soon walks off as this wary feeling starts to raise in Uther, as an omega a recessive one at that he didn't like being alone at night out in the streets. But it won't be a bother right after all their were people out. 

But as if he jinxed himself he feels this creepy presence creeps up behind him, it was a nauseating smell. Though he never particularly like Alpha's pheromones he never hated them either but something about pheromones these days makes him feel disgusting to say the least.

"What's this? Huh? An omega?" 

Uther turns but the man grabs his wrist tightly, his scared just the strength alone. The man's cheeks were flush with read and the smell of alcohol surrounded him.

"Hey, come with me" 

Uther body froze his heart is telling him to run but he knows if he does, this alpha wouldn't give up the chase. He looks around to see if anyone would help but no one was willing after all Alphas are Alphas.

'Don't resist just make it quick' 

But then remembers that Charmin gave him something, he was ready to take it out when suddenly the Duke Britley kicks the drunken man knocking him over. The Duke Britley then grabs both Uther's arms tightly.

"Are you stupid?!" He yells, "you were gonna go with him, weren't you?" 


"You're an omega, don't you know what it means when a drunk alpha grabs you like that?!" He said in a shout.

Uther feels uncomfortable, his arms are hurting and for some reason it feels suffocating. 

"What am I supposed to do?! I can't fight back!" He yells.

"Scream, shout don't just go along someone must help" 

"Does anyone around here look like they have any intentions of helping?" Uther said.

Duke Britley looks around to see the people looking away as if they saw nothing, "and even if someone does step in do you think it'll be enough, a beta code gets killed and if he does indeed harm the alpha he will be prosecuted and oftentimes Alphas don't help… they just… they just join!" 

Duke Britley was silent; he didn't know what to say, "but do you think the man who you will actually date feels pleasant knowing you've been run through by random Alphas?" 

Uther froze silent looking at him…


Funny how I gave hints of what Duke's mindset was like and everyone is like omg his hot I ship him with uther. Nor knowing what his character. Red head people red head stereotypes? Anyone?

This isn't the Duke by the way, I just fine him cute

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This isn't the Duke by the way, I just fine him cute

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