chapter 4

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After eating and taking a bath which he had to do quickly because little Leslie was crying miserably for him.

He was now in bed looking at his baby, he smiles seeing his sleeping child. In his past life it was difficult to have children and that devastated him seeing that he grew up in a lovely family and wanted to raise an equally lovely family. 

Enrique frowns then thinks about his family, his mother, father and siblings? What about his nephews and nieces? They must have heard the news by now. He felt a bit saddened at his predicament and could only think of the good things.

"I'm gonna give you the best life, okay?" 

With that Enrique drifts off into soft slumbers.

The next day the maids entered the room to see the queen already up, hair messy and eyes looking exhausted. As they predicted, the queen has not slept .

Last night the bell rang around three times for the formula which they had to bring. They had suggested to the queen to let them care for the child but he got very defensive saying no. 

Now looking at him, he had the smell of puke and baby vomit, his hair was a mess and bags were under his eyes. 

"Your majesty, now will you like us to receive his highness?" 

Enrique looks at them, "no, no, *yawn* I got this, I can do it" 

Enrique thinks his baby is a ticking time bomb, can't leave his arms and explode with tantrums easily.

The maid sighed, Enrique got up and walked with the baby, "go prepare my bath and stuff" 

The maids nodded, then started moving quickly, one preparing a bath, one getting clothes and the other preparing the baby necessaries.

Enrique now had to take a bath with the baby if not he would throw a fit, after bathing he dresses the little baby feeding him and then tries to put him back to sleep. 

"Your Majesty, you are going to miss the morning audience with Duke Britley" the maid informs.

"I literally just pushed out another human yesterday don't you think I need time to recover before granting anyone an audience?" 

Though if he is being honest he doesn't feel like he is in any pain, just some slight tiredness from the lack of sleep. Which he has seen in many hospitals where mothers have to get a lot of rest and a year's recovery from childbirth. He heard women talking about stitches and the pain they felt, he didn't feel anything. 

"Are you in any pain, your majesty?" The maid asked, concerned.

Enrique found their reaction strange, the maid turned to the other maid. "Mari, go call forth the royal doctor".

The maid bowed to Enrique then left as the maid walked towards Enrique with concern. "Your majesty, are you worried for the child?" 

Enrique looks at him concerned, "Hmm? He's healthy isn't he? I'm not worried" 

Well as a parent he always is but he can't be paranoid, he kisses the cheek of the baby placing him in the white stroller that the maids had carried.

Soon the healer and the maid came through the door, "you called?" 

"Royal Healer please check his majesty" she requested.

Enrique looks at the man, right now he barely knows what is what right now. He gave birth yesterday and these people are acting as if it's nothing. Do they not allow others to heal?

The Royal healer raised his hands to his forehead soon a glowing light slightly green shone over his head. Enrique was impressed, he should have expected much. It's a fantasy world. 

"Except for some fatigue his majesty is quite fine, or am I wrong?" 

Enrique was confused, "wait, I gave birth…. Shouldn't I get at least a recovery period?" He asked.

The healer awkwardly smiles, "well, it would be the natural thing to do but…. With the absence of his majesty….." 

Enrique's eyes widened, "huh? Repeat that?" 

"With the absence of his majesty? Your majesty? Is there something bothering you?" 

Enrique could see concern expressed all over his face, "well" he looks at the maids.

Receiving the gesture both of them bow and excuse from the room. 

"I think I've lost my memories" 

The healer was shocked, but soon regained his composure. "It must be from the heightened stress of labour, something psychological or perhaps magic?" 

The healer seems genuinely concerned about Enrique, "it seems, we must wait for a few more days to be sure".

Enrique nods, "yes, but let's not in form anyone including the king" 

The healer nods, "I will try my best" 


So I may use some pictures moving forward which I got off pinterest and so copyright goes to the owners and please don't ask me the names I do not know.

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