chapter 44

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"Ah, Daaaa, Dadadada, Daaaa" 

In between Enrique and Astolpho lies Leslie who was gurgling and babbling things to his parents. Enrique smiles watching his cute baby talking as if having a conversation he should be sleeping but at least once in a while he shou let the little angel be! 

Enrique looks up at Astolpho who is concentrating heavily on their babbling baby as if he could understand, his stern expression soon softens as if the baby said something sweet to him. Then once again Astolpho's expression changes to astonishment as if heard something unbelievable, this made Enrique wonder if he could understand.

"Da, da, da ba" 

Astolpho chuckles, Enrique looks at his son paying all focus and trying to understand. Maybe he wasn't paying attention! He focuses deeply and intensely.

"Daaaa, Baba, gagagaguu"

Enrique frowns he doesn't understand! It is all gibberish! He tries again only to give upon the time the little chatterbox falls asleep.

Feeling defeated he looks at Astolpho with a pout, Astolpho seeing his lover, mate and spouse pouting, fixes his robe then walks to him and kisses the pouty mate. "What's wrong now, my beloved" 

Enrique slightly blushes, "can you understand what Leslie is saying?" 

Astolpho looks at him surprised for a moment but then softens into smiles, "of course, if I couldn't what kind of parent would I be?" 

Enrique feels an attack on his parenthood, to think he spends the most time with Leslie and doesn't understand what he is saying! He pouts cutely..

"Um… could you tell me what he's saying?… please" 

Astolpho looks at his mate blankly, then touches his chin and looks sideways with a sly smile before turning to him. "Give me a kiss first" 

Unhesitantly he kisses Astolpho, after all he really wanted to know and all his hubby wanted us a simple kiss right? 

Astolpho smiles then gives a little chuckle then uses his index finger to call him closer.


Enrique sneaks closer ready to listen when Astolpho goes to his ear and whispers, "he said…" 

Enrique heart rises in anticipation, "Daaaa, Dadada," 

Enrique's eyes went dead as Astolpho fell laughing, Enrique blushed embarrassed, soon embarrassment turned to anger as the man beside him laughed freely.


Enrique grabs a pillow standing on the bed, "GET OUT!! Get out!" 

Beating him with the pillow soon Enrique kicks him out the bedroom, as Astolpho stands out there whimpering.

"Wife, it was only a joke… I'm sorry," he gently knocks on the door. "Can I come in?" 

The next day Astolpho walks with his older brother Cerillio to the castle doors to welcome his guests, looking forward to the group. The two brothers smile looking, mainly two teenage males in front. The taller male with white hair puts his hand over the shoulder of the smaller red head then reaches up to them.

 The taller male with white hair puts his hand over the shoulder of the smaller red head then reaches up to them

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They slightly bows greeting the king, "good morning your majesty, the sun of the holy kingdom of Odessa" 

"Greetings your royal highnesses, prince Zerin Eliha De Eslaya and young duke Alphonso Allenia El Neiz"  Astolpho greets smiling.

Then turn to Cerillio greeting him, "your excellency Duke Heden-hi" 

Cerillio greets then Astolpho guides them inside the palace, the guests were from Athanasia the king of their kingdom had made some requests about his omega son Zerin Eliha De Eslaya, looking at him he seems around 17. Zerin looks around with hands behind his back in a relaxed manner, smiling carelessly, Astolpho wonders how he can do that coming from his kingdom and the reason why he is here. 

"Your highness, please compose yourself, " Duke Alphonso said.

"I am compose, I'm just looking around–" 

Zerin closes his lips when he sees Enrique walking out the room he pauses and slightly blushes finding him very radiant and beautiful, seeing Astolpho he walks up them nodding at the others acknowledging their presence before turning to Astolpho.

Zerin itches closer to the Duke Alphonso, "that's the queen? So radiant!" 

The Duke looks at Zerin, "your highness please compose yourself, your in the presence of royalty" 

"I'm a royal myself!" He pouts.

"Yes, but not your family and you're in another kingdom so please maintain your composure".

Enrique could hear the loud whisper of the young prince, he smiled. Ishley is of course breathtakingly beautiful even to the people of this world. Astolpho gently holds him at the waist guiding the royals to garden.

"Tomorrow night, there will be a ball, can you manage?" He asks in an affectionate and whispered tone.  

"Of course, I can. I'm not all that clueless" 

"I'd be right by your side, also you will face extreme discomfort especially if their release of pheromones," Astolpho said. 

"Mentioning that, why haven't you marked me yet?" 

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