chapter 7

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It's been seven days since Enrique transferred to this world and he must say........ he is TIRED!

His baby has been nothing but miserable! He clings to him every second not that he doesn't mind but to the point where he can't eat!!

And even when he is with him he cries to no end, Uther said it's because of the lack of pheromones on the father side which children born from omega tend to need in their early stages or they might grow a bit sickly or become miserable. That's bull he is the father and he is the mother he pushes him out himself! This is unfair!

Enrique is in distress because last night the little fella caught a cold and even though he is healed he can't help but fret for him. It's obvious the baby is miserable and he doesn't like it. What kind of parent likes seeing their baby like this?!


He pressed the baby closer while gently shushing him. Uther fixes his glasses as he looks at Enrique, "why not, give him some of your pheromones to smooth him a bit? Or rather get his majesty's belongings that have traces of his pheromones?"

Enrique looks at him, "huh? Shouldn't it already be washed out?"

"Well, the king does have a strong pheromones"

He remembers the late stages of the queen's pregnancy when the king had to go, the king had filled him up of pheromones and for him to not have his estrus disrupted had to take a break despite taking the pills, only the beta could stand being the presence of the queen since they are for less sensitive to pheromones than alpha and omegas.

Enrique didn't waste time in calling the servants, "bring me the emperor's clothes, nightgowns, whatever, don't rub up on it too much!"

Enrique thinks this world is weird but even if it has a bit of this "pheromone" he will go to hell and back for it.

"Okay, Leslie shush"

He hushes him, "why haven't you released your pheromones? Excuse me of I'm being inappropriate"


The healer swallow, it's inappropriate for omega or alpha to release their pheromones to anyone who was not their partners and asking them to could be counted as harassment.

"I'm sorry" he apologised



"How do you release it?" He tilts his head.

"Well, I guess it's something instinctual, but if I had to guess think of it as if your holding your breath and you need to release it"

Enrique thinks that's the worst analogy anyone could use, but it's worth a try. He breathes in slowly then exhales repeating the process a few times as he waits........ and nothing happens.

"Hgh! Why is it not working?!" He glared at Uther.

"I do not know your majesty, pheromones are something natural like body smell but a bit more"

"My baby is irritable. What do you do when babies have pheromone deprivation?! There must be backup plans Like for widows or single mothers! Something!" He yelled aggressively.

The doctor understood the queen's mood swing. He was a mother and the instincts were strong, he must calm him down before he lost control.

"Well, there are medicines for that but unless the parents is confirmed to be permanently from the family within the first six months there is nothing I can do" Uther fixes his glasses


"Well, it could impact the child's psychology to bond with his parents, his majesty the king," Uther said.


"Well, if we'll when the child medically bonds to artificial pheromones and will he can develop a codependency on the artificial pheromones and will cause problems when the child should separation just like now who his misery that would proven to be for more worse, it will also affects their eating and sleeping habits" Uther said

"And the parents?"

"Usually omega and alpha children identify parents pheromones and grow an attachment to it if he depends on the artificial pheromones he will reject his father's pheromones and will mostly reject the presence of his parents and if you should..... ehem... interact with his majesty and his pheromones is left on you their is a 45% chance he will also reject you as well" Uther Explains.

Enrique was dumbfounded, thus was all so complicated. This baby was so sensitive, but he had no choice.

When the maid walks in and relaxing smells of Lavenders, "here you are, your majesty"

The maid bows offering the waist coat, as Enrique took it he didn't even realise his pheromones unconsciously left his body as he began to wrap his baby within the waist coat.

The two scent mix together as smoothing the child as he cooed in his parent's embrace. Enrique smiles seeing the little one finally relaxing as he lifts him up gently kissing his soft cheek.

"Oh my sweet thing"

Uther smiles, he picks up the tea fixing his glasses.


Uther Ramius Omega-recessive Age 30Very aloofHumanLikes sweet things, reading books and studying herbs, very adverse in healing magic but doesn't like to use it because he believes it takes away a lot of potential for knowledge

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Uther Ramius
Age 30
Very aloof
Likes sweet things, reading books and studying herbs, very adverse in healing magic but doesn't like to use it because he believes it takes away a lot of potential for knowledge. Wants children but because he is recessive doesn't aim to make any or get married barely has intentions towards romance.

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