Chapter 46

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Enrique sighs Astolpho is really busy, there is a lot of preparations being made. He looks at Uther who was mixing some medicine, Enrique looks at his baby who was looking at his doll.


Uther pauses looking at Enrique, “yes your imperial majesty?”

“What do you think of of mating?” Enrique asks curiously.

Uther takes a moment to pause, “mating… when I think of it. I think of fear.” He said looking at Enrique.

Seeing the omega queen tilts his head in confusion makes his chuckles at the fact that there are omegas out there that can't comprehend the fears that come with marking.

Marking is often romanticized as it is serves at a warning… never get marked before consummation a non-virgin omega is as good as useless. Be wary of the alpha that marks you as of most of the omegas have a choice.

His parents where betas, his mom passed away when he was young and his father had struggle with an omega son.

‘Why couldn't you be beta? Why omega?’

And the worse part of that sentence is that ot wasn't laced with malicious intent, it was because his dad fears and knows.

And it's difficult for him to look in father's eyes because all his fears and suffering he tries to protect him from came true…

Enrique feels sad, he looks at his omega a baby. “Is it bad, that I don't want him to be mated?” Enrique asks.

“Sadly your highness, it's not a choice up for debate. As royalty it's a must they should never be without a partner representing the country Hysteria. “Laughter. It is only right” Uther said.

“But what if that unity causes pain unto my child?” Enrique asks.

“... that us not for me to answer”. Uther said.

“Well! If that's the case then at least have the freedom of choice! Mother hysteria cab understand that right?!” Enrique cheers.

Country's representation that's fine but the least is allowed to have us choice?!

Uther eyes glistens, choice? What an optimistic queen.

“Um Uther is there anyone your interested in?”

Uther thinks, but not much came up. “I like to be a mother, but as for love interested nothing much.” Uther said.

“Well, we changed that at the welcoming ball tonight. A beautiful man such as yourself should enjoy the night!” Enrique cheers.

Uther blushes at the compliment this was the first he received a compliment from another omega, alpha's do compliment but they are more or less insincere to him.


Astolpho was finish preparing for the ball tonight, he was tired. Honestly all he wants to do is spend quality time with his wife and child, but he is king.

He smiles as he sees Enrique walks into the room, “you look lovely,” he said affectionately.

“Of course I'm royalty after all.” Astolpho jokes.

“Yes indeed, your majesty.” Astolpho indulges.

Enrique looks at there son in the basin worried this is there first night being apart, but he has duties as queen and his baby is too young to join such a party so he is now being taken care of by a nanny.

“Mommy, loves you sweet child. Remember that okay?”

“Father, loves you as well. After this all over we shall play for a whole day together!” He promises.

Kissing their sweet slumbering prince goodnight they head outside arm in arm, walking to the entrance, they entered at their announcement.

Enrique looks around he knew this before but this place was luxurious filled with beauty and riches, the dressing of the Noble people excludes high society. Never in a million years he'd dream of this. He was your everyday survivor cursing your boss behind his back for more income after slaving away.

Zerin was looking around happily then waves at Enrique, “hi!”

Enrique smiles heading towards them, “Cerillio looks around nervously. He is seeing glares at him with whispers and cocky stares.

‘I didn't do it, I didn't rape any omega… where are you?!’

Uther was at the table looking at the wine glass when someone takes up the glass, he looks up to see it was Duke Britley. “Healer, we got off on a wrong start… could you please forgive.”

Duke Britley smiles offering the glass. Uther looks aside down, “why asks for forgiveness, I'm a loose omega after all.”

“No your not, I apologize for not being considerate of your position. Let's start over.”

Uther looks at him smiling then taking the glass.

Astolpho was talking to the representatives when suddenly the room went quiet, whispers began to spread. Enrique was confused there was this one word that kept repeating, “Ashtaria”.

The crowd slowly parts as a male with short ruffled snow white hair and fair skin, his lips a soft pink with fuller upper lip. His eyes a glowing purple with long lashes that covers it.

Astolpho immediately takes out his sword going right next Enrique to protect him while pointing the sword at the male, the male raises his hand as a sign to surrender.

“I mean you no harm, your majesty.” His husky voice said.

Astolpho grits his teeth, “oh really?”

“I come in peace, I know you have no right to trust me but I beg you to lend an ear… for the sake of our two kingdoms and for the wishes of hysteria.” He said putting an hand on his chest.

The crowd gasped, Astolpho didn't let his guard down this is an Ashtarian before him.

“Let me introduce myself, I am Royale Ashantee, 4th Prince of Ashtaria and I am an recessive omega.”

Astolpho was speechless…

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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