chapter 33

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Enrique takes the pillow trying to contain moans and muffles that were escaping his mouth as this firefly king fingers him.

Astolpho takes the pillow and throws it at the ground and leans in for a kiss, Enrique moans but suddenly grits into Astolpho's back upon intrusion.

'Holy shit!! No, it's a dick!' 

He looks at Astolpho who seems to barely phase at him literally crawling into his back. 

Astolpho didn't appreciate his mate's thoughts wondering at this moment and so he thrust inside, Enrique blushes as he feels something grinding against his insides.


Astolpho, still under the heavy influence of his Rut, smirks then stoops down and licks Enrique's neck sending horny shivers down his spine.

Enrique can't help but moans as this senseless king attacks his body with bits and kisses while pounding inside him.

"Nrgh~ Ah~ yo~" 

Enrique could barely think under the constant assault on his tender anus, the worst part he is enjoying every part of it. Enrique's body hinges as he grabs the sheet of the bed.


Enrique shouts as suddenly his cemen spurts everywhere, some even splashes against Astolpho face, Enrique wanted to hold out but he couldn't he trembles in embarrassment.

Astolpho grins showing his pearly whites, Enrique knows that scheming looks for some reason.

"D-don't you dare!" 

Astolpho's pink tongue then slowly creeps out his mouth and licks the side of his cheek seductively leaving Enrique baffled. Astolpho then grabs him and turns him on all four.



Enrique's entire spine vibrates as he feels the heavy thrust inside him, he falls on his arm covering his face.

'Jerk!! bastard!! You're so dead!!' 

The two moans and groans as Astolpho pounds into him mercilessly as Enrique grips on to the sheet's dizzy head. 

The sun went up then went down until the next sun rises and falls once more. Finally Enrique collapses on the bed, "animal, enough, I'm only human" 

Enrique was tired, he doesn't even know how much time passes, he feels sticky, gross and sweaty, not to mention hungry. Astolpho who's consciousness returns and can finally think logically picks up Enrique.

"Hey do you not hear me?" Enrique groans, "I need energy" 

Astolpho smiles then kisses him on the temple, "I know," 

He carries him to the bathroom putting him into their large bathtub then turns on the pipe. "Give me a moment love just needs to do something real quickly" 

He takes a robe from the wardrobe wrapping it around him then walks out the room as Enrique faces the running pipe that was facing the tub. He can see his body, full of hickeys and bite marks, he can't feel anywhere or anything, his butt is numb and his legs are weak, he can't feel his spine, his voice cords are almost gone.

"You really took it like a man didn't you Enrique?" 

But surprisingly it was great, though the positions made him feel those ice-skating and gymnastics sections were worth it, though it wasn't his body.

Astolpho returns taking off the robe then turning off the bath pipe then enters the bath, "Now we are bathing together, I don't trust you" 

"Don't worry I'm only going to bathe you after all, you had to receive most of the work" 

He smiles as he takes the washcloth and soap, rubbing it against each other then puts the soap down and begins to wash Enrique's body. 

Typically Enrique had to do nothing, washing hair was done by Astolpho, brushing teeth was done by Astolpho, drying off was done by Astolpho. Not even walking but then again he can't walk.

Enrique was surprised to see the previous trashed bedroom was now neat, tidy and refreshed. The maids here are something…

There was even the food on the bed table, Enrique was now placed gently on the bed then handed the tray of food.

"Do you want me to feed you as well, my queen–" 

"Nah, I'm good, now  go and get my baby, he must miss me after all I was missing all night!" Enrique lectures biting the chicken leg.

Astolpho sweats a bit, he wants to corrects him saying it almost 3 days but he dare not incur his wrath on a hungry stomach.

Evil king, "you want a full stomach that's worse!!" 

Good king, "but look at the good side queen won't be hungry" 

Evil king, "better when hungry so he is too weak to argue, take advantage of your enemies weaknesses it works for the wife as well" 

Good king, "and what if he carries a grudge? The queen might eat us!!" 

Evil king, "Eh, that doesn't sound so bad"  the evil King grins. 

Good king was speechless, "..." 

Astolpho uses his finger to pluck the evil King off his shoulder. 

"I'll go get Astel," he said politely then left.

"I'll go get Astel," he said politely then left

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