chapter 10

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The king looks into his eyes frowning, Enrique is careful not to ruin his paperwork as a man works day in and out he didn't dare ruin hard work. 

The chamberlain was speechless from the words. 

Enrique didn't break eye contact but he must say, those are some rich and beautiful eyes. He could get lost into those fine gems, not to mention his irresistible peach red lips. The thick brows that fold together as he stares into his eyes.

Enrique if not for his baby would completely forget what he was here for, men like these make straight men straight men such as himself fold and curve into crumble papers. 

Enrique was jealous! 

"Bold of you to claim I have an incestuous relationship with my mother," he said, frowning at him. 

Enrique backs up standing straight with a prideful smirk lined across his face. "I see I've gotten your undivided attention" 

The king eases back folding his knees then rests his hand on his knees, giving his full attention to Enrique. "Yes," 

Enrique looks into his eyes and said sternly, "let us all go for a stroll into the garden together" 

The king sighed, "fine, if you insis–"

"Everyday, we shall all take two strolls one in the day and evening" 

The king looks at him, "what?" 

"We will all have two meals together, breakfast and dinner, we shall also share a room" he blushes looking aside.

Why is he blushing! He's a grown man who was once married! This is nothing! 

The king rubs his temple, there was nothing hard within his request so he doesn't see why he can't do it. "It was your will to stay in the nursery . I don't see why it is my problem that we are sleeping separate" he said, drawing the chair closer to the desk.


They slept in the same room? Why has no one mentioned this? 

"If this was what you needed to I didn't see the need to throw a tantrum" 

"This bitch" Enrique thought. 

"I'm throwing a tantrum for expecting you to be a parent, we are married and this is our child" Enrique looks at him.

The king looked at him, attention piqued, "where you not the one who said not get carried away and this isn't something special just a requirement" he said as he returned to his work.

Enrique wonders just how bad was their relationship?! 

"Well, I spend too many hours pushing out a child to change my mind. I want to give this child a happy future" 

The king's hand stopped in its tracks, it was as if something was tugged at. "Haa, I see now" he pulls out the chair. "Well, let's begin that stroll shall we?" 

Enrique was a bit surprised, he was prepared for a full on asshole but ultimately he was…. Not as bad? 

"Chamberlain I shall postpone my work for a moment" he said as walks to the door and opened it, "as for you Queen Ishley, I'll be taking a stroll".

"Now that's more like it, King... King…" 

The king looks aside rolling his eyes letting out a sigh, "Queen I'm getting old here"

Enrique closes his mouth, he then walks through the door as the king follows pursuit. 

"And next please don't interrupt my work" 

"I will interrupt your work whenever I want to, you are king, I am queen as well as spouse, your duties as father comes first then husband worry about the kingdom later" Enrique lectures.

"You expect me to put an entire kingdom with billions of people at 3rd best, hehe, how utterly selfish" the king said.

"Well the entire kingdom would certainly put you first, a kingdom can survive without a king" Enrique looks at him.

"I'm aware, but not enough reason to neglect my kingdom is it" the king said opening the door.

"But you can neglect your family, how pathetic" Enrique scolds walking into the nursery.

"Leslie, daddy is here" 

Enrique walks over to the crib with a small child eating his hand looking at the cute ornaments over it, when he sees Enrique he giggles while stretching for him. 

"Aww so cute, hehe I miss you too"

The king observes Enrique interest pique, he looks at the nanny who is bowing at them. Enrique turns and looks at her. "Ah, can prepare his Suda as well as his favourite toy and the new stroller I order" 

The king looks at him, "how can you know it's his favourite when he can't communicate" the king asks, touching his chin.

 A Flashback of the many nights when he was awake stroll through his mind then he smiles.

"Hehe, you shall see soon" Enrique grins menacingly.


The king felt troubled by that reply but didn't voice his complaints. Soon his eyes met with the little baby who peered at .

 Soon his eyes met with the little baby who peered at

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