chapter 27

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After a long day in the office, Astolpho finally relieved himself of his duties, he felt exhausted as his mother was nagging about the impudence of his spouse. And has been actively trying to change things in the pqlqce as so he had to send her to the old palace for a while to relieve some tension. 

Walking into their bedroom he opens the door and pauses as his mouth gaps open.

Standing in front of a body mirror is Enrique, his shirt open. He was holding his swollen nipples while staring at them, when Enrique became aware of his presence he turned to look at him.

"Oh, you're here? Question: does these seem bigger to you?" Enrique asks, showing them.

Astolpho slightly puts his hands at his mouth and stares at them. 

"This is definitely seduction!" desire king said,

"Now, now, let's not jump to conclusions; it could be a question out of curiosity," the curious king said.

The lustful king hits the curious king away, "what part of that looks like a question out of curiosity?! He's even poking and touching it clearly. The queen is horny and is seducing us!" The lustful king objects.

The crowd whispers in agreement to the lustful king. 

"Quiet, we must take it into consideration that the queen is not from this world; it could be that he is genuine," the patient king intervenes.

The crowd has been swayed. 

"Are you serious?! The same queen who called us a mother f@$*** and address us as horny?!" The greedy king rebukes. 

"It's clear the queen has those intentions or why would he come up with such an interesting excuse" the lustful king said..

"That's just lust speaking!" The king of disgust of disgust slammed the table, "let's not forget that is the body of Ishley" 

The crowd lowers and mutters.

"But what does it matter? Unless there is a way to bring the queen's original body back he shall be Ishley until then, are you saying we should hate our mate because of the body possesses?"  The joyful king laughs. 

The king of disgust urks at the joyful king. 

"It seems like we can barely come to an agreement . Why not approach this matter slowly and see what happens," the king on the throne announced. 

The king's all agreed even those who were reluctant.

"Astolpho?" Enrique tilts his head confused.

Astolpho smiles, "well, they do look quite swollen. Did you breastfeed?" 

Enrique looks over to the crib, "I did but often times it's just fills back up a becomes tender" 

Astolpho is looking down at the pink swollen nipples, he wanted to touch them. He wants to squeeze them. All the things that were running through his mind.

He guides him back to the mirror, and it is now Enrique realises the height and body difference between them. He looks curiously at Astolpho whose hands were at his waist, he slowly removes one glove slowly from one hand then from the next. He gently went up to his swollen breast and touched it.

"Is it tender when I touch it?" 

Enrique close one of his eyes, "hm, yes obviously" 

'Kinda feels a bit weirder when he does it. Is this an omega thing?' 

Astolpho looked at him in the mirror, his body was quite nice. And the smell he releases really alludes to him, while Ishley has this sweet citrus smell that's nice, Enrique's smile was sweet tasty and like syrup and honey and with the milky body smell that was attached to him made him feel comforted by it. 

Enrique was confused when he saw Astolpho gently caressing it, Astolpho then went to his ear and asked. "Tell me… are you this comfortable with anyone?" 

Enrique really felt strange, why was he caressing it like that. Then realised he felt something pressed against his back, "are you for real?!" 

"Yes, I genuinely want to know" Astolpho answers 

Enrique's face was flushed from the caressing, even as Astolpho pokes it. Enrique curses this body he feels weird as well as good. 

"H-hey! Hmm, you're not… in the mood…"

Astolpho soon lifts him up and carries him to the bed and rests him on it, then hovers him. "I know you are not ready to go all the way… but can I take some advantage of you? I will stop if you say no"


I've win!! Finally


Haha yes!! I win!!

Haha yes!! I win!!

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